4 | Planeride to Egypt

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Our plane took off a few minutes ago, reaching its cruising altitude already.
With the destination to Cairo, Egypt, we were heading there to get to Dio.

Speaking of Dio.. there actually was a question that was still on my mind. Why does he want to kill the Joestars so badly?

I was sitting on a window seat, looking out of the window with Joseph next to me and Jotaro next to him.

While everyone else, even Jotaro, rested with their eyes closed, I didn't rest at all.
I cannot sleep during trips, regardless wether plane, car or train. I feel like I always have to keep my guard up now.

A sudden chill came over me before Joseph snapped back to reality, breathing heavily for a few moments, causing both Jotaro and me to look at him.

"What is it, Mr.Joestar?"
I asked him while leaning forward to face him.
"He saw us. I definitely felt Dio looking at us just now."

"I felt something myself.."
Jotaro mumbled, confirming the feeling as well.

"Be careful. A new Stand user could already be on this plane."
Joseph told us, leading me to nod in understanding.

A fly came by, making unusual loud noises while flying in our vicinity.

"How annoying.. I didn't even think of flies boarding a plane as well."
I muttered as all of us were looking at the fly.

"A rhino beetle?"
Kakyoin asked rhetorically, leading Jotaro to stand up before correcting Kakyoin.
"No.. it's a Stand beetle."

"Hey, Avdol, are we already encountering another Stand user?"
Joseph asked, leaning to the seats in front of us where Avdol and Kakyoin sat on.
"It's possible. This could be a Stand that takes the shape of an insect."

"It hid in the shadows of the seats.. but pay attention, I doubt it's gone. Are you really sure that this is a Stand?"
I remarked as the beetle disappeared, standing up myself now.

Everyone stayed quiet, trying to listen for the loud buzzing of the beetle before it appeared next to Jotaro.

"Whoa! It's huge!"
I mumbled in surprise while everybody was looking at the Stand beetle.

The Stand just grew twenty times the actual size of a fly.

"No doubt, it's here for us!"
Kakyoin remarked.

"That's disgusting. Just sit tight, I'll take care of it."
Jotaro told us while summoning Star Platinum.

He reached for the beetle to destroy it, but he missed.

Impossible! Jotaro's Stand moves with high precision and overwhelming speed, how did the beetle dodge it?!

"I.. I can't believe it.. it's faster than Star Platinum, a Stand that has the speed and precision to grab a flying bullet!"
Avdol stuttered while observing the beetle.
"And there is no doubt about it. That bug can only be a Stand. Where is he? Where is the one controlling him?!"

"It's going to attack! Move!"
I yelled just before the beetle attacked. Star Platinum dodged it with his hand but the beetle pierced through it.

"No, damn it!"
Jotaro exclaimed before the beetle attacked Star Platinum, causing Jotaro to bleed out of his hand and slightly out of the corner of his mouth.

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now