16 | Empty hotel

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We reached Multan, Pakistan in the afternoon, checking into a hotel to have a stay for the night.

Jotaro and Kakyoin went to a tailor to have a new jacket be made for Jotaro while Joseph took care of a plane ticket for Anne.

Since Polnareff's, Kakyoin's and Jotaro's wounds from their fight earlier were little, they didn't need much medical care to be taken care of.

The night had passed peacefully as all of us rested rather well for the very first time in weeks.

The morning after, Jotaro went to the tailor to pick up his custom-made jacket while the others and I headed to the airport.

We were allowed to accompany Anne to the small jet she would take to fly back to Hong Kong. Like the day before, Anne wasn't happy about our decision to send her away.

"Let go! Let go of me! And don't you dare touch me there, you jerk!"
Anne squeaked as Polnareff picked her up to carry her to the airstair.
"Shut up! Don't say it like that!"

Joseph scratched the back of his head while he approached the two of them, leaving Kakyoin and me standing a few metres behind them.

"Here is her ticket."
The flight attendant spoke up to Kakyoin and me, turning both of our attention on him.

"Thank you."
I smiled at him while taking the ticket from him.

"I don't want to go! I'm going with you guys!"
Anne kept protesting, leading all of us to gaze at them.

Joseph moved up in front of her before placing his hand on top of her head, leading her to stand still.

"Listen, little miss. We are not vacationing here. My daughter, Jotaro's mother.. is in grave danger at the moment. We are on this journey to save my daughter's life, not to put yours at risk. Forget this running away business and start heading home. I'm sure your parents are worried sick, wondering where you are."

Polnareff let Anne back down on the ground before she answered.
"Fine, I suppose so. I'll make you look good this time, grandpa."

Kakyoin and I approached them before I squat down in front of Anne.

She looked at me for a moment before turning her eyes on the ground.

"Here, your ticket. Don't be sad, cherish the memories that leave with you. I'm sure you will grow up to be a success girl."
I smiled at her while holding up the ticket.

"You still will get to see Jotaro but I won't, huh.."
She muttered, causing me to place my hands on both of her shoulders.

She lifted her head back up to look into my eyes before I reassured her.
"I'm sure he will be here on time so you can take a glimpse at him out of the window. But now, you will have to go."

"Right! Life is just a bunch of goodbyes anyway."
Anne remarked as she ran up the stairs, waving her hand at us while I arose again.

As she reached the door, she turned around to look at us, still waving. We waved back at her until she entered the plane once and for all.

"I would ask you to stay back during the takeoff."
The flight attendant instructed us, leading us to nod before turning.

As we stood a good distance away from the small plane, I noticed Jotaro approaching us.

"I hope Anne notices him. She was worried she couldn't see him for the very last time."
I spoke up as everyone turned their heads to watch Jotaro approaching.

His custom-made jacket was identical to the black school coat that burned down the day before.

"So that little imp boarded already, huh?"
Jotaro asked as he stopped next to us. I turned my head to observe him for a moment.
"She worried you wouldn't make it in time, now even I'm glad you did."

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now