Chapter 36

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* time skip
After that night the two lovers were kept separate. Sydd attending a school in another state and making new friends while Antonio takes care of the girls and prepares for the upcoming "war" of sorts.

Both living separate lives but still making room for each other, and their blooming relationship.


I lay on the floor of my apartment off-campus reading a medical article as I do my assignment for the professor

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I lay on the floor of my apartment off-campus reading a medical article as I do my assignment for the professor. My two new friends from the first day last year make themselves comfortable enough to sprawl out on me and the couch.

"Sydd girl, you're doing good as hell, I don't even know how you can understand all this stuff" my friend Valery speaks from her spot on my back as she lays across it.

"You gotta be in honors at least"my other friend Teyana exclaims from her spot on the couch making me give her a scoff.

"Not even I just do my work and listen to the professors' nothing like that, I just wanna make my kids proud" I mumble feeling my phone buzz knowing it's Antonio telling me he probably just finished up and is headed home.

Due to our distance we decided communication is key

Speaking of distance that is a lot to explain for another time

"Girl we know, but you don't treat yourself like going clubbing, smoking, drinking..... getting some di-"

" those are all ways to mess myself up, and I don't  personally do that unless my boyfriend's there, to caution me" I laugh out as I feel my phone vibrate again.

"Besides as I've mentioned before I already have a more than capable lover" I speak as Trixie walks into the room.

"Ewwww" she mumbles fake gagging, making the girls chuckle.

"He must be really good if he has ya ass this loyal"  Teyana teases making me roll my eyes humming a bit.

" he really is, we got everything between us sorted out before I started college, so now it's almost feels like he's my lifeline ya know" I speak as the girls awe at me being cheesy.

"Speaking of Mr. Mystery man, when are we going to get to meet the man who has our poor little syddney simped" Valery pouts out making me roll my eyes.

He's actually supposed to come down sometime this week, but he won't tell me until he's here

"Soon...." I mumble as I feel my phone buzz but yet again I ignore it.

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