Chapter 35

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Finally a late ass update... Sorry for the writer's block y'all it's not completely gone but the guilt finally made me finish this chapter it's been semi done for about three months


I find myself laying the girl's down as we get home watching from afar as Antonio's eyes never leave my body, as he speaks to val

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I find myself laying the girl's down as we get home watching from afar as Antonio's eyes never leave my body, as he speaks to val. His mother looks at me worriedly with a complete attitude change from earlier.

"Are you okay-"

"I'm guessing you left that mark on his face judging by the hand size....." I speak cutting her off as my eyes cut to her.

I figured out it was her during me and Antonio's ruined outing due to the hand side and his current avoidance of his mother

"I-, yes-"

" I have respect for you, but don't touch him again and that's not a plead that's a statement. I will try to talk to him for you but you know how he is" I mumble hearing her sigh and nod.

We go into a brief moment of silence as I go back to tending to my children reassuring them that everything is still fine in the tense room. The silence continues until his mother speaks again making me raise an eyebrow.

"Thank you... I'll talk to you later about training " she speaks quickly looking distraught, as she exits the room and I turn back to the girls that look up at me expectantly and waiting.

My babies, my top priority

Tonight they almost got hurt because of who me and Antonio are, I'll have to talk with him about this

Im quickly snapped from my thoughts as I feel arms wrap around my waist.


"When were you going to tell me you could move like that" he questions in a whisper causing the hair on the hairs on the back of my neck to stand "....We can talk later about tonight, for now stay with the girls and I'll be back-"

"Toni I-"

"Syddney I understand that we need to have a serious talk about the girls safety, but the family wants to discuss how to protect you as well" he speaks making my brows furrow.

"Don't you think we should talk about that together first" I ask adding an empty chuckle at the end flabbergasted at the fact he's dismissing this so fast and without a second thought.

"I have to go and we will talk after"

Biting my tongue I roll my eyes pushing away from him lightly and holding the knob to the door. Taking a step back I roll my eyes feeling him watch my annoyance but continuing his silence.

" whatever you say Moretti"


And with that she closes the door leaving me in silence and understanding of why she's mad.

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