chapter 7

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What's your favorite song??


"are we there yet" I ask for the 30 thousandth time

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"are we there yet" I ask for the 30 thousandth time. He doesnt answer still ignoring me for playing cardi B. He called her in I quote 'OVERATED', and said he was team Nicki.

Asia really left a mark on his female choices of music.

"Look I like both of them, but right now I wanna listen to 'Be careful', I thought you'd like cardi since she's a blood and all" I pout as he looks at me scowling playfully.

"bloods and crips are nothing compared to the mafia. And her voice is annoying as fuck" he replies making me roll my eyes.

"I'll let you if you tell me your favorite nicki song " he negotiates making me roll my eyes smiling at him.

He's ridiculous... But I  kinda like it....

"pills and potions, that song will always be relevant" I reply thinking involuntarily  about my ex. I look out the window hearing him humm and put the song on.

I hear the girls start singing ridiculously loud making me smile and laugh.

" PILLS AND POTIONS... " i laugh as he starts singing making me roll my eyes. He looks at me through the middle of him and our kids 'singing' and winks at me making me blush and roll my eyes.

He is annoyingly hot, I swear.

"is that right bellisima" he questions making me face palm.

" excuse me while I mentally strangle myself"


"this is weird, it's weird to walk in to a hospital with the baby mama you just met, and introducing her, while we're being chased, and one of the scariest and craziest notorious Italian mafia leaders is laying on a hospital bed injured, with your ex girl/best friend in the same room" I say looking at him as we start to get out.

He shrugs picking up mia as I get neveah.

"your thinking too much" he says simply and I notice his demeanor change. 

I take mia from him holding both of my babies.

"YoUR tHinKIng ToO MUch" I mock feeling him look at me.

"watch the attitude" he snaps making me roll my eyes  getting annoyed.

"fine dad" I reply seeing a hidden look pass through his eyes that he clenches his jaw at. I roll my eyes at his quietness feeling annoyed for no reason.

As we approach the receptionist I roll my eyes already seeing her scowl at me but quickly replace the look with a lustful one as she looks at Antonio.

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