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"sydd let's go to the club" Tanisha suggests  randomly as I fold my clothes

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"sydd let's go to the club" Tanisha suggests randomly as I fold my clothes. Though the thought is tempting I shake my head knowing she's gonna leave with some guy drunk and call me to get her in the morning.

"you're no fun..." she pauses putting waiting for me to react only to get upset as I don't. " but why not" she whines making me smack my lips and look at her in slight annoyance.

"you just said I'm no fun and asked me why. Think about what the fuck you say" I snap making her laugh only irritating me further. I find myself rolling my eyes as she gets off my bed and pushes my shoulder lightly.

Once again I find myself trying to ignore only finally reacting as she's gets all up in my face pouting. I try to push her face away continuing to fold my clothes Only to laugh as she sits on my bed with her arms folded.

"Fine...." I grumble hearing a surprise gasp.


"Yes really now move" I speak harshly feeling her squeak hurt my ears lightly as she bugs me tight.

"Aight get your grumpy little ass off my bed and go get dressed" I huff making her look at me and smirk. She jumps off my bed before turning back to me and having the audacity to slap her ass.

"this ass ain't little, honey" she states swaying out of my bedroom. I laugh before looking at my closet and picking out my clothes.


I sit in the private section waiting for Valentino to come in with our new dealer

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I sit in the private section waiting for Valentino to come in with our new dealer. I listen to the music leaning back with my eyes closed.

I open them again as I feel a presence infront of me. I see a waitress wearing a skimpy outfit offering me a drink. I decline it looking back into the crowd of sweaty people.

I spot a beautiful woman wandering around alone. She looks around observing other people sipping her drink from time to time.

As she sits her drink on the bar she gets pulled into the crowd of sweaty bodies by a woman who looks drunk and wild.

I stand up seeing as how Valentino is 20 minutes late I might as well have some fun of my own. I walk through the crowd with no one daring to touch me.

I come up behind her as she sways to the music. She turns and raises an eyebrow seeing me. She clearly doesn't know who I am.

I lean down to her ear pulling her to me.

"what's your name love" I ask quietly in her ear. She puts her hands on my chest pushing off of me.

" it starts with an s" is all she replies as she starts dancing again not fazed by my presence.

" you sure you wanna play this game babygirl" I question. She only leans on her tippy toes to whisper in my ear.

"why not"

After those words leave her mouth she grinds into me. I smirk as before I know it we're kissing.

We eventually wind up in a bedroom upstairs.


After our little fun I remember I still didn't get her name. Shes lays on her side with her eyes closed.

" I never got your name" I say pulling on my clothes. She only opens her eyes and looks at me.

"sydd " she answers surprisingly not sleepy. I raise an eyebrow as she gets up and dressed not caring about my wandering eyes.

"maybe I'll see you around Mrs sydd "

She pulls on her crop top looking back at me looking beautiful and innocent as hell.

"likewise" she says before walking past me. I walk behind her out of the room. She acts like nothing happened and holds herself with confidence.

I immediately get snapped out of my thoughts by val.

"you good" he asks making me raise an eyebrow. I look back at the mixed beauty watching her walk away, like nothing ever happened.

"never better"

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