Chapter 18

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Extra long chapter comment vote and enjoy!!
I need 85 ⭐️ votes for a new update

*a week later

~ sydd~

After my moment with Toni, he's been either more awkward, which is adorable, or he keeps himself distant not telling me shit, which is very annoying. He's been refraining from touching me and kissing me which shouldn't bother me but it does.

He's just so... UGH

You see my dilemma... I'm dealing with a bipolar human being.

Wait I wonder if he is bipolar

Sighing I shake that thought out of my head before starting to think about Vonte. Since me and Antonio have been trying to get closer I've kind of just been keeping vonte at arms length.

I know that's wrong as hell but I don't want to reject him if I'm not sure

We talk everyday, but he always asks when he can take me out, and I just talk around it because I honestly don't know if Toni is going to change.

Guys are so damn stressful

"Ma" neveah whines out making me sigh, tired from work, and life.

My life's not even hard it's just..... frustrating at the moment

" yes baby" I ask sitting at the edge of the pool watching Tanisha and trixie take the girls swimming. I open my eyes hearing water get sloshed a bit, to see my baby reaching out for me. I smile a bit picking her up as I hear Tanisha sigh.

"I haven't been to the club in a while" she pouts out as I hug neveah to me, hearing Mia fuss, wanting to be in my arms too.

" you haven't been to the club in 3 weeks tanisha" I mumble still thinking about the guys and why the hell they have to be so complicated.

"I know but uh you need it more than me, he got you looking sad out here" she responds looking me up and down. I sigh shaking my head, sighing as she hands me Mia.

" it's not just him.... I've just been feeling different, ever since our talk after my first day back at work, he's been busy or so he says" I speak looking at her, to see her frowning a bit.

" i don't like this sydd, your usually more energetic than this, it's scaring me" she mumbles making me shake my head smiling a bit at her concern.

" I'm fine isha" I try to reassure her making her make a hmph sound, looking me up and down.

"  nope come on we're going to the club" she demands, making me pout whining.

" not tonight, plus we don't even have a ride" I whine making her roll her eyes and smack her lips. I watch as she walks over to my phone making me eye her.

" oh my dear Friend, how blind can you be" she asks as she shows me vonte's contact open. My eyes widen as she clicks it smiling mischievously.

I move the girls aside quickly making sure they're no where near the pool before running after her.

"TANISHA NOO" I yell as she starts speaking.

" hi yes vonte this is tanisha, sydds friend and I was wondering if you could give us a ride to the club tonight" she speaks fast as she runs behind a table.

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