Chapter 17

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P. S this chapter is extra long... Enjoy!!


" your going through with Adrian's words aren't you" Val asks as I clench my jaw looking forward

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" your going through with Adrian's words aren't you" Val asks as I clench my jaw looking forward. Anger annoyance and guilt is all I feel right now, and Val is only increasing them.

I feel my teeth grind as I picture the frown I put on her face.


" shut the fuck up" I Grumble lowly as I look forward speeding past cars. He chuckles rubbing his stubble looking at me, letting me know he isn't going to listen.

"Why, I just wanted to ask how does it feel to be an asshole Antonio, to be a cowardly little fuck...??" He provokes as he rubs his hands looking at them.


" I think you made the right decision though to be honest, it's not like you would've been able to protect her, or cherish her like she needs" he continues making me press my foot harder on the gas, as rage courses through my veins from his words. My hands clench in the wheel as I see sirens in the side mirror.

Nevertheless I listen to his words as I stay quiet feeling the need to punch him every time he continues to speak.

" hell if she liked you then I'm definitely husband material compared to you, maybe even father material.... shit I could have the girls calling me daddy by the end of day.... " he speaks as I pull the car to a screeching stop, creating smoke from the burnt rubber to surround the car.

"Maybe even her"

As he says that I punch him right in his mouth mouth making him groan in pain.

" You touch her and I will fucking kill you Val don't fucking test my patience ..." I say threateningly as I push my gun into his temple.

"And as for my choice in judgment it's for her and the girls safety. She doesn't need to be in this lifestyle my lifestyle, I want her to remain as innocent as she is. If I ever did ever want to start something with her it would be after I sort this shit out" I speak making him scoff.

" and what about her, what if she finds another man instead of waiting for your confusing ass, she's a beautiful woman Toni you can't stop guys from being with her, did you even think about if she doesn't want to wait for you..." he says and I hear a knock on my door window as I feel my jaw tick still looking at Val.

I almost forgot about the police, sighing I turn looking at him boredly.

" sir are  you awar-"

"There's something in your teeth" I interrupt making him stop and cover his mouth. I cock my gun as he gets distracted trying to pick it out of his teeth.

" did I get i-"

I shoot him between his eyes looking at him as he falls. I peek at the ground seeing his mouth is open as blood slowly pours out from the wound.

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