Chapter 15

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I'm so sorry for such the late update guys. But I'm trying to get back to writing slowly so be patient and remind me every once in a while okay??

Remember to vote and coment❤️


After my talk with Val I walk upstairs wanting to do nothing but strangle Val for the lack of information

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After my talk with Val I walk upstairs wanting to do nothing but strangle Val for the lack of information. I'm gonna slap the smirk off his face I swear on it.

I run a hand through my hair as I walk up to sydds room to finish our earlier discussion. Stepping in front of her door I knock watching as it creaks open ever so slightly. I watch as she does the rest of her head wrap, putting on her glasses.

It's then I notice she has 90's r&b faintly playing , making me smile as she mumbles the lyrics. I avert my eyes clearing my throat making her look up.

" you wanted to speak with me" I say making her cock her head at me. I lick my lips as my eyes flicker to her plump glossy ones.

"No I believe you wanted to make me talk...because of my earlier attitude" she replies never looking away from my eyes. I look at her not saying anything as I feel the attraction I hold for her make an appearance.

She notices I'm not talking and starts speaking anyway with a raised eyebrow.

"It was out of my place to snap at you, and I'm so so so sorry for that. I just got comfortable with you...too comfortable"she admits looking down and back at me .

She's nervous

As I start to think about my observation she bites her bottom lip looking nervous before speaking.

" do you..." she pauses looking at me before looking away.

"..never mind " she cuts herself off making me raise an eyebrow at her. I cross my arms having a feeling I know what she was going to ask but I wanna hear the words spill from her lips.

"Speak bellisima" I mumble as I walk into her room, making her eyes stay on me as her face flushed.

"No it's stupid, just forget about it" she mumbles making me look at her, shrugging.

"No it's not, and yes I do" I mumble back making her lift her head up in slight shock. I see the little bit of doubt in her eyes making me sigh.

"Toni you don't have to spare my feelin-" I cut her off grabbing her face gently, watching as she stops and just stares at me kind of shocked. Slowly I bend down to where my lips brush against hers and she lets out a small faint noise.

I capture her plump lips tasting the flavored gloss as I steal a kiss. I let it last until I pull away for air slowly as she keeps her eyes closed.

"I'm not sparing your feelings and I'm not trying to play them either, I like you Syddney I really do but I don't need you getting close to me" I mumble against her lips before pulling away, letting my fingers linger for as long as they can on her skin, before falling dumbly to my side.

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