Chapter 32

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The next day, after my talk with Nadia, I had visited them only to be alerted that Trixie currently has a concussion, and needed to be under 24/7 watch because it's severe.

I've been watching over her and nadia for a week now, and she's been getting better little by little with her communication just not with me.

"Given I did kill her father, so I can't blame her" I mumble to Nadia who simply shrugs.

"shit happens, and she knows her dad was an asshole, plus she came to you-"

"she probably only did because I'm the only other person besides her sister that she trusted. Hint the past tense" I mumble sarcastically watching as she rolls her eyes at me.

"she still trusts you but keep in mind she's still traumatized, after what that bitch did to her I would be too" Nadia speaks mumbling the last part as she plays with my hair.

She's trying to see just how different it is with one eye

"You still won't tell me what happened, all I know is that she was beaten" I mumble, and her response is a scoff, along with a shake of her head.

"It's not my place to speak, you have to ask" Nadia speaks seriously, as she starts on the second braid.

" how do you just go up to somebody who barely talks or trusts you anymore and ask them hey what serious thing did your sister do to you that's given you PTSD, a concussion, and trust issues" I mumble teasingly as if I would ask like that.

Turning to look at Nadia I meet nothing but serious , eyes, and a tense body.

"This is nothing to joke about syddney. If you saw what I did, my eye and punctured lung sound like baby play" Nadia speaks and I feel my breathing slow, as I see a look that we used to share whenever we'd have rescue mission for younger girls who had been abused and...

She's lying there's no way Fatima would let that happen to her baby sister

I stand up quickly backing away from Nadia, who shakes her head, knowing it finally clicked.


"Why didn't you tell me-!!"


"She got raped- Nadia HOW THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO NOT OVER REACT WHEN SHE WAS ...." i exclaim not even able to finish my sentence feeling tears come to my eyes as it all finally clicks.

The door bursts open revealing a serious looking Val.

"What's wr-"

He cuts himself off grabbing my wrist preventing me from leaving, making me look at him letting him see that I will fight him if I absolutely need to.

I watch as he goes to speak before I hear a thud along with things falling ,echo from upstairs.

"What th-"

Quickly I jump throwing a leg over his shoulder , and boosting myself up, twisting us to where he winds up face down on the ground with an arm pinned behind his back. And I'm bent applying a generous amount of my body weightpoint holding his arising an awkward angle.

One flinch and they snap

"You make one move to stop me again and i won't hesitate to hurt you" I mumble getting off of him quickly and racing upstairs giving people apologies on the way up, as I push past them.

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