chapter 4

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I stay close to Antonio as we walk around the big mall

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I stay close to Antonio as we walk around the big mall. We split off from Tanisha Trixie and val much to Tanisha's discomfort.

"you know you didn't have to do this " I mumble watching as he holds all the bags. I push the twins in their stroller feeling glares as multiple girls eye rape Antonio.

He doesn't even seem to notice as we walk to a different store. If they do this when he's just wearing regular clothes I wonder what they'd do if they saw him in a suit, hell I wonder what I'd do if I saw him in a suit.

My thoughts get interrupted by the devil himselfs voice.

"I don't mind it, plus I don't want you wearing my clothes...all the time, and call me Toni " he says adding a wink at the end. I blush flicking him off, earning a chuckle.

" now who's fault is it for my apartment being blown up" I ask making him raise his hand in defense.

"touché" he says making me roll my eyes and smile just a little.

"where are we even going" I ask as we enter the rich part of the mall.

"to get you some clothes"


"that'll be 500.97 "the cashier says and I feel my eyes widen. But like he did in all the other stores he pays it like they're just asking him for a penny. Before I can even complain once again.

"thank you have a nice day" she says flirtier than earlier. She shoots me a glare making me raise a challenging eyebrow.

I hear Antonio chuckle at the obvious little stand off between us.

"your welcome love, have a nice day" he replies making the girl break our little glare session and look at him smiling. I roll my eyes mumbling under my breath as we exit the store.

"I am not the one, I swear" I grumble making Antonio chuckle a little. I look up at him at throws an arm over me like he has all of today, which only makes me receive more glares.

Making me groan.

"toni the arm, please" I ask. But when he doesn't move it I look up to see him looking in thought.


I watch as multiple guys stare at her, annoying me. Yes I'm being protective of someone that isn't mine but I could give two fucks.

"Antonio" I hear her ask and she sounds a little worried. Looking down at her I humm making her look at me for a second only to clear her throat.

"your arm" she says making me cock my head acting as if I don't know what she's getting towards.

"what about it" I ask making her look at me raising her eyebrow. I feel the corners of my lip turn up a little as she tries to shrug it off. I chucklr a little watching as she starts groaning as her miserable attempt.

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