chapter 2

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"she's going to be okay, she just passed out from shock and blood loss

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"she's going to be okay, she just passed out from shock and blood loss. Nothing we can't fix sir" the doctor says making me sigh in relief.

"good, when she's done with her exam send her to my room, I have to go do something" I instruct making the doctor nod.

Turning to go I leave I spare her one last glance before I meet Valentino outside her infirmary room. He looks nervous as I look at him.

"where's the best friend" I ask making him look at me. I see he has a black eye and a bite mark making me raise an eyebrow.

"she fucking bites Toni, and she's heavy-handed. So I locked her in a room....with the girls" he says making me stop myself from laughing.

"good job," I say patting his shoulder as I walk past him to the room with banging on the door. I open it making the woman stumble back. I notice there's a slightly younger version of her on the bed with the girls.

"Who are you....and where the fuck is my best friend"



Waking up I feel my heart pound as I move around, feeling silk underneath me. I sit up groaning thanks to the pain in my side.

Wait when the hell did I get silk sheets??

Standing up quickly I ignore the pain as I walk away from the bed stumbling. I fall making me groan noticing how loose the clothes I'm in are.

When did I have a cologne-scented hoodie?

"Be careful or you might tear your stitches" I hear a familiar voice say making me look around the room in panic. Standing up I push my braids over my shoulder as I stand up defensively.

"Where are my kids Antonio" I ask watching him walk from the bathroom with a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. He looks at me raising an eyebrow and licking his lips.

"Our kids... Are sleeping in their new room" he says making me cock my head to the side.

"I'm not staying here. Look you can visit them or whatever but I gotta get back t-"

"to what your place that's been targeted and shot up already. Don't worry your little friends are safe"

He cuts me off. I falter a bit at what said staying quiet.


"wh- why did they shoot my place up and my job, I didn't do shit, " I ask quietly turning as he steps out of his closet fully dressed looking at me.

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