Chapter 26

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This will be updated next Wednesday with a goal of getting atleast 60 votes!! Y'all I'm trying to keep up with the updates from now on.

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I sit outside as they operate on sydd feeling my stress and blood pressure go over the roof, as I continuously keep reading the text knowing who sent it

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I sit outside as they operate on sydd feeling my stress and blood pressure go over the roof, as I continuously keep reading the text knowing who sent it.

Š: hope your little bitch is alright.... wouldn't want her to die would we. And even if she did you'd just be crawling right back to me....
-1:03 am

Š:maybe we can raise the girls together too... p.s I forgive you for choking me out of your house. I kinda liked it ;)

" she'll be fine Antonio, my daughters a fighter-"

I cut him off chuckling as I stand up shaking my head, scowling at him, turning off my phone before he can even try to look at it.

"What do you know about your own fucking daughter king" I snap, getting in his face, watching as Damian gets up too, Abe our men surround us armed.

He chuckles at my outburst going to speak but pausing as we hear footsteps come down the hall, Making me look to see Asia walking fast and worried, holding her now very noticeable stomach.

"NO no no no no" she demands shaking her head, in annoyance as she starts to part our men.

My eyes flicker above and behind her, only to see Trailing after her is an overly annoyed Caden, with messy hair, with anger in his eyes, as he looks at me scowling.

Seems like I'm the cause of his problems

"BACK THE FUCK UP THE WOMANS PREGNANT" Caden snaps pushing them out of  the way without care.

"Do NOT, DO not do this here" she speaks demanding and out of breath towards me, as Caden rubs her back making me glare up at him as he glares at me.

I can see in his eyes he wants to punch me

"LOOK at me" she demands grabbing my face making me raise an eyebrow at her as she pokes a finger into my chest determined.

"I want a word with BOTH of you ..... SEPARATELY!!" She demands pulling my arm as I go to snap only for Caden to grab me by my collar, making Asia look back at Caden surprised.

"vai con lei o così aiutami, ti batterò il culo e ti calpesterò nel fottuto terreno, non discutere con lei o con me adesso (go with her or so help me I will beat your ass, and stomp you in the fucking ground, do not argue with her or me right now)" he whispers letting me go roughly, making me push him, pissed off.

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