chapter 5

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Sorry for this chapter taking so long guys. I made it extra long for y'all though.

Word count: 2672

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Goal: 20 🌟



I give my babies my fries sitting them on the two high chairs Antonio got and made all in the same day

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I give my babies my fries sitting them on the two high chairs Antonio got and made all in the same day. I munch on my fries seeing Trixie and Tanisha glancing at me.

"what's up sydd, " Tanisha asks making me look at her. I shrug in response not feeling like talking.

We go into another moment of silence only for Trixie to put her drink down with a little extra force.

"alright that's enough why are you being antisocial..." Trixie explodes making me look at her. I shrug feeling and seeing Antonio's eyes on me from the corner of mine.

"I don't feel like talking, and I'm thinking" I reply making her look at me. I see Val send Antonio a quick look that Toni gives we'll talk later. The small exchange happens so fast you wouldn't believe it happened.

" whatcha thinking bout," Tanisha asks making me side glare her.

"not a lot, I gotta headache, ma o lou leo ​​o loʻo fasiotia au (and your voice is killing me) " I speak in my grandmother's native language of Samoan, making Tanisha roll her eyes.

"fia iloa (show off) " Tanisha replies shooting me a knowing look. I roll my eyes hearing Antonio clear his throat. I look at him catching a quick look and seeing him lick his lips. I look away feeling flustered before we're all in silence once more.

I watch as Val goes to open his mouth only for the only sound to fill the house is a thud from upstairs. I watch as his and Antonio's whole demeanor changes.

They pull out their guns from I don't know where. Antonio hits one button on his phone and within minutes the whole house is full of grown men with deadly weapons pointed upstairs.

He turns to us making a keep quiet hand signal. I watch as five brave souls walk up the stairs disappearing within seconds. Not even thirty seconds later I hear shots and the whole house turns into chaos.

"GET THEM TO THE CARS, NOW" Antonio yells to some of his men.

I panic grabbing my babies hearing them cry. I'm hesitant to run across the living room to the door because of the many stray bullets that are flying everywhere.

"SYDD LET'S GO" Tanisha yells having run across the room already making me glare at her. She isn't carrying two babies.

"AIM FOR THE GIRL" Is all I hear and I swear my heart drops as I hear multiple guns cock. All of Antonio and Val's guys are quick to protect me as Antonio takes Mia from hand still firing his gun. I look in the direction he's firing freezing up as I see the same man from earlier.

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