Chapter 16

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Finally an update!! My other stories will be updated soon after so go check them out !!

Goal: 40 ⭐️



Finally getting out I feel eyes on me as I hold my Mia to me and neveah holds onto Antonio hiding her face. I watch as he comforts her kissing her forehead, making me smile a bit. I wait by him as he instructs somebody to take his car back. He glances at me every so often, as I glance around unsure of this place.

It's big as hell...

I get snapped out of my thoughts as I feel Toni's hand go to the small of my back. Looking at him I see him already looking at me, making me blush a little.

" what's going through that head of yours bellisima " he asks as we start walking.

"How does the government not know about this place, it's big as hell" I ask as I look around, aware that some people have stopped to look at me and the girls. I also notice that he's keeping me as close to him as possible.

" well, the government does know, but we own the government.... in a way" he explains making me cock my head looking up, as he just looks back down at me . I shake my head as I look down.

" I'm not even gonna ask How, I'm just gonna accept it" I mumble as I rub Mia's back. He chuckles opening the door for me making me smile thanking him. I wait till he comes up next to me before walking.

I gawk at how big and fancy the inside looks as Antonio puts a hand on the small of my back again in a guiding gesture.

I kinda like it there it feels...nice

I look back ahead of me again to see whole ass restaurants in here. But as I look I feel people stop and look at me again.

" Toni, why do they keep staring at us... more specifically me" I ask feeling bothered.

I swear If I didn't have to act all nice and shit I would've popped off at everybody in here... they ALL woulda got smacked

Like damn did your mom not teach you.....shit

" Maybe they're just amazed by your beauty " he flirts, making me cock my head at him fighting off a blush.

" thank you, but I don't think that's it sir" I mumble and he licks his lips about to reply before I hear his name get called. I look to see Caden and Adrian with a whole other female, who kind of resembles Caden.

It's then I start to get nervous, feeling butterflies in my stomach. Toni must notice because he stops us from walking turning me so I'm looking at him.

" Don't be nervous my family will love you, half of the people there are already fond of you or have been dying to meet you" he says making me inhale deeply feeling jittery, nodding nevertheless.

"I'll be fine as long as after this you'll stop introducing me to people who are important to you... in such large groups" I frown making him chuckle at me as I gave him a stare.

This dude really thinks I'm playing

"Toni I'm being for real" I speak feeling like he isn't taking me seriously. He looks at me letting out one last chuckle before throwing an arm over my shoulder tickling Mia making her giggle.

" I'll try not to... atleast not in such large groups " he chuckles out as he mocks the last part of my sentence. I smack his chest as he chuckles making me roll my eyes and try to fight off a smile, starting to walk again.

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