chapter 14

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I'm telling y'all school is kicking my ass😫but don't mind me how are all of y'all??

'My addiction' is updated too so go check it out guys💋

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I sit in the passenger seat of vals car deep in thought

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I sit in the passenger seat of vals car deep in thought. More specifically wondering why sydd reacted the way she did.

"Whats on your mind" val asks having noticed my usual.

I shrug rubbing my temples, trying to push my previous thoughts away.

' oh nothing..... I'm just thinking about sydd, and how she snapped at me for having to leave and said this just gives me time to think...about everything' I think to myself sarcastically, annoyed for no reason.

"Nothing" I mumble grumpily, wanting him to take a hint to leave it alone.


"We're here" I interrupt as the destination comes in sight. I get out seeing my men and my assassins waiting.

"Whats the status" I ask seriously, feeling my face go void of emotion, wanting to get this done fast.

The sooner we get this over with, the quicker I can get back to sydd and my kids.

Sanaya the one I put in charge while I was absent starts to speak only to be rudely interrupted.

"Well cousin... If you must know....."

I scrunch my face up in annoyance, as I hear the last voice I wanted to hear today.

"Hello wesley" I grumble turning to him feeling my scowl deepen as I look at my older cousin looking at me mischievously, smoking a cigar.

Maybe he'll die faster smoking

"Your not going to ask me how I've you not care about your dear cousin" he asks fake pouting as I look at him seriously keeping my hands folded in front of me.

"I didn't come here for a family reunion.... I came to take care of business not deal with a grown man who acts like a child....and has a child, he barely see's" I reply monotonously, taking a low blow wanting him to get straight to the point.

He leans off his audi, walking up to me slowly looking at his cigar in thought, before he's in front of me. All I hear around us are clicks of weapons being armed as he steps closer so we're face to face.

Looking at me he blows the smoke in my face as I stand there unfazed by his random action. He watches smirking as I stay still watching his every move.

"You never were a people depressing" he mumbles looking me in my eyes before turning away and talking.

"Let's go for a drink" he says randomly and I roll my eyes looking at him.

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