Chapter 24

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I sit across from Fatima, who I watch eat, not trusting, the setup, and her quietness

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I sit across from Fatima, who I watch eat, not trusting, the setup, and her quietness.

My twins are with trixie who I trust, but I'm with Fatima and a bunch of my old work acquaintances who probably don't like me at the moment.


"Shhhhh...." She interrupts, cutting me off making me clench my jaw as she looks at me putting a forkful of Chinese food in her mouth. " don't you like the silence of the scenery, and the lack of chaotic male energy" she asks making me cock my head, unstrapping my purse straps, having weaponized them.

Did you really think I would go anywhere unprepared.

"What game are you playing at" I ask only to be silenced once more as she grabs the remote infront of her, pointing it at me, and turning it up.


"News confirms 30 dead, after a physical altercation in a near by bar. Victims were believed to be targeted because of their interaction with a local rival gang. They were all identified through their butterfly tattoos, signifying and undying debt to the monarchs, who are a new and rising gang in Venice, Italy....stay tuned for mo-"

I watch as the camera briefly shows the dead men and I feel my heart drop as I observe and analyze the handiwork. My frown goes even deeper as I see the wolf imprint on the side of the wall, spray painted in red and gold.

The vandalizing that was done to them was by somebody ruthless, and angry, somebody who wanted an outlet of anger, and sadly the only person I know who could do this extent of damage, and can get away with no charges is no other than the Antonio moretti.

As I process the information I'm taken by surprise as one of the older guards wraps a belt around my neck making me choke, seeing as how I was caught off guard.

I gasp as they tighten it and I finally comprehend what's going on.

I need to MOVE

Grabbing the strap, I pull it around the persons neck standing up and abruptly kicking the persons knee, earning a groan and enough time to slip out from my restraint.

"36 seconds" Fatima speaks from her spot, wiping excess food from her mouth looking unimpressed. She looks at the timer frowning and glancing at me before smacking her lips and standing.

"You've gotten slow but it'll do" she speaks, glancing over at me and bringing her cup to her lips.

I watch her cautiously as I catch my breath or atleast try to, as she still looks at the time.

" Your biological pain in the ass is outside, she'll be taking you shopping for your necessities needed later on tonight. You will be performing per say, and you'll know what do when we tell you the assignment, and if you dont we have something for that" she speaks smirking a bit to herself making me roll my eyes scoffing.

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