chapter 12

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I wake up in the middle of the night, having heard the door downstairs close

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I wake up in the middle of the night, having heard the door downstairs close. Turning over I look at my phone squinting my eyes at the brightness, trying to check the time.

2:17 am

I frown sitting up feeling my stitches tighten. Lifting my shirt I see they're still intact and that my wound is almost healed

I forgot I still had these shits

Sighing I get up pulling on a baggy shirt looking over my attire seeing there's nothing revealing about basketball shorts and a rock shirt.

I run a hand over my face walking downstairs. Immediately I see Antonio talking to Leo and mikey, with him inside and them outside.

"we'll talk about this later, she's awake" leo says spotting me on the stairs giving me a look. I glare back at him holding my arms around myself feeling out of place as Antonio looks back at me, observingly.

"I'll see you two tomorrow " he says gruffly and I watch as they all share a look before he closes the door.

"is everything okay" I ask noticing something's off about him. He sighs lifting his head not looking at me.

"join me for a drink" he says walking to the kitchen before I can say anything. I follow after him watching his back muscles flex.

Why the hell doesn't he have a shirt on.... My eyes don't mind but I'm trying to think

I watch quietly as he offers me wine and I politely decline and ask for a water. He does as I asked before sitting down and passing me my drink . He sips from the glass staying quiet and not looking at me.


"ton-" she starts softly as I feel her watching my actions.

"one of my men were brutally murdered tonight" I say sipping from the glass before looking at her. I watch as her eyes get wide and she looks at me  with mixed emotions.

"what happened, does his family know yet" she asks immediately not reacting the way I thought she would to the information.

So far she's handling things well... 

"no his family doesn't know yet I'm going to meet them tomorrow to discuss funeral arrangements" I reply and she drinks some of her water humming.

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