chapter 3

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Waking up I find myself in the middle of Trixie and Tanisha. Quietly getting up i check on my babies seeing them still both asleep. I feel and hear my stomach grumble making me look at the door.

I don't want to intrude but I'm fucking hungry.

I quietly creep to the door opening it. Looking up and down the hall ways I pull Antonio's hoodie down more as far as it can go so it's covering me before looking up. I get mesmerized by a beautiful painting on the wall, intrigued by the detail.

Looking for the artist name my eyes widen in shock as I see in the corner written in neat cursive.... Toni.

I look down the hallway again, this time noticing more paintings like this. Walking down the hallway I admire the beautiful pieces of art before I come to a set of stairs. I walk down as quietly as I can looking around seeing the nice and expensive looking living room.

Stopping at the end of the stairs I freeze seeing Antonio with his back turned to me.

Wait is he cooking??

I find myself staring at his back basically drooling over the well defined muscle. As he puts the spatula down I turn to run back upstairs.

"I know your there sydd " he says making me close my eyes, silently wanting to kill myself. Slowly I turn meeting amused looking blue eyes. I feel my face heat up hard core as I get caught.

" I ... Uh- Good morning. I didn't mean to intrude" I say trying to not embarrass myself anymore failing miserably. He shakes his head making me take notice of how his hair moves with the small action.

"your not intruding" he says making me nod. I watch as he puts some bacon and a pancake on a plate. He sets it down patting one of the seats at the kitchen island.

I walk over to the seat sitting down eyeing the food.

" I'm not trying to poison you" he says amused leaning against the kitchen countertop. I put syrup on my pancakes taking a forkful and putting it in my mouth.

"oh my God" I groan out at how Heavenly this food tastes. Opening my eyes I see Antonio looking at me making me blush yet again.

"this tastes awesome" I say softly.

"thank you" he says back before I notice he's not eating.

"your not gonna eat" I ask making him raise an eyebrow. I mean it's not like I care or trust for this man but everybody needs to eat. He shakes his head making me frown just a little.

"I ate at 3am, the rest of the food is for you friends and there's food in the cabinets" he says making me tilt my head.

He was up at 3, and he cared enough to buy some food for the kids he barely knows yet. I thank him putting another piece of heaven in my mouth.

"I was wondering if you would like to go to the mall and get some clothes. I mean since your previous clothes were destroyed" he says making me look at him.

I go to answer before a now very awake Trixie answers for me.

"we would love that, and if that val guy could tag along that'd be great"


"he's a MAFIA LEADER" Trixie and Tanisha scream I'm unison. I slap my hand on my forehead sighing.

They couldn't just said it louder it's not like they're right down the hall or anything.

"yes and this idiot got us into going shopping with people we don't even know. We don't have any money to pay them back, we don't know if we can trust them, hell we don't even have phones so if anything happens it happens" Tanisha starts ranting making Trixie smack her lips looking at her.

"we'll be fine" Trixie says acting like she didn't just squeak .25 seconds ago. I quickly stop the now mad tanisha from popping her little sister.

"wait how about we just run away while we're out, pretend to go to the bathroom an-"

"there's no point. There's nowhere to run to, and we're going with a mafia leader and his right hand man, as quickly as we leave we'll be right back" I say cutting Tanisha off. I sigh laying back on the bed with Tanisha laying next to me defeated.

"look let's just give them a chance before you start thinking irrationally" Trixie says making me think.

If only she saw what I saw she wouldn't be so calm about this.

"I don't even care anymore, but as soon as one of them fuck up gang leader or not I'm beating some ass" Tanisha grumbles making Trixie sigh in satisfaction.

I stay quiet making both of them look at me.

"Sydd" Trixie says sternly making me raise an eyebrow and look at her.

"Trixie" I reply coming back with the same energy.

"Syddney" Trixie whines making me flick her off. She knows I don't do whining.

"fine" I grumble making her clap. Tanisha chuckles a bit at Trixie giving her props.

" alright let's get dressed"


I'm currently wearing Antonio's clothes, which are comfortable as hell feel great, and smell awesome

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I'm currently wearing Antonio's clothes, which are comfortable as hell feel great, and smell awesome. Sitting on the couch I sit next to Antonio watching as he holds the babies as we wait on the girls.

Neveah cried earlier but early quieted down after he peppered her face with kisses. The sight itself was adorable. He's good with them, but still doesn't make me feel 100% okay around him.

"your good with kids " I say making him look at me.

"I'm the oldest of me and my cousins, sl and I've always had a soft spot for kids " he says making me cock my head to the side. A mafia leader has a soft spot??

"yes, I'm not cold hearted all the time bellisima " he says giving me a smirk. My eyes widen as I look at him, I said that out loud.

Wait what the hell does bellisima mean?

I'm quickly shaken out of my thoughts by an annoyed looking Tanisha and a triumphant looking Valentino and Trixie.

"are yo-"

"we're leaving now"



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