chapter 6

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What's your favorite book?  Mines  ' The Hate You Give'

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Word count: 1549

Goal: 20 🌟



"Ti amo e lo farò sempre, andrò a dormire le mie principesse (I love you, and I always will, go to sleep my Princesses) "

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"Ti amo e lo farò sempre, andrò a dormire le mie principesse (I love you, and I always will, go to sleep my Princesses) "

I watch as his phone dings making his expression turn from one of calm and relaxed, to one of an annoyed then one of anger as he turns around. I watch as he walks past me to the room completely ignoring my presence. 

Frowning I look at his retreating figure, quietly closing the twins bedroom door. I walk back into the room seeing Antonio texting on his phone looking focused making me stop myself from asking him what's up.

I make my way to the closet, instead picking a pair of his basketball shorts and one of his workout shirts heading to the bathroom to change. I do my normal night routine, brushing my teeth, washing my face, and using the bathroom before heading back out.

"where are you going" I ask as I see him getting a blanket and take a pillow off the bed. He looks at me and I watch as he raises an eyebrow at me as he takes the stuff putting it under his arm.

"I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable since there's only one bed, so I was going to sleep on the couch "he explains making me shake my head.

"I'll be fine, it's your apartment anyway so if any one would sleep on the couch it would be me, plus your hurt still" I say making him look at me as if to ask 'are you sure'.  I nod watching as he puts the stuff back.

I lay down on the right-side of the bed feeling the bed dip. He puts his phone down sighing and running a hand down his face.

"what's wrong" I ask in a small voice knowing he's annoyed right now. He notices my small voice opening one of his eyes before closing it.

"it's my cousin he's in the hospital. He got beat and shot" he says making me take a sharp breath.

"i-is he okay" I ask making him fully turn to me. He nods sighing blowing his somehow minty breath in my face.

"they said he's stable" he replies,  kinda monotone ,looking directly into my brown eyes.

"are you going to go visit him" I ask making him humm.

"WE are going to go visit them tomorrow" he mumbles making my eyes widen.

" why do I have to go" I pout making him chuckle.

"your going because I want you and the twins safe, plus you'll get to meet Asia " he says making me look at him. I can't help the little mix of curiosity and jealousy that pokes at me.

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