Chapter 28

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This is more of a filler chapter, there will be more stuff happening next  chapter

Please vote and comment!! Oh and you can even answer some of the questions at the end

Goal is 60 ⭐️ by next Wednesday for a new update, exactly at midnight!


I smile with my eyes closed as Toni lays on me letting me run a hand through his thick hair, as he keeps his arms wrapped underneath the curve of my back

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I smile with my eyes closed as Toni lays on me letting me run a hand through his thick hair, as he keeps his arms wrapped underneath the curve of my back.

" thank you" I mumble with a small sleepy smile feeling him arrange us to where he's behind me holding my waist, with his arm now wrapped securely around my waist, leaving me to be the little spoon.

"Anytime my love" he mumbles kissing behind my ear, making my heart pick up a beat at the nickname. 

I hum upon hearing him sigh, knowing he's going to ask me something.

"What do you think, should I get a hair cut" he questions randomly making me pout, playing with his floppy hair once more, as he dips his head in my neck kissing it.

I could get used to this

"I say do whatever you want, just don't get it too short, just a little off the sides, an edge up and a small trim on the top that is it" I mumble hearing him chuckle.

"So specific" he smiles against my neck as I cuddle more into him.


"Well I can't grip your hair if it's short now can I " she teases making me smirk turning her to me, immediately kissing her plump lips.

These lips are mine.

She moans quietly at the small action, pouting as I pull away.

I could listen to her moan all day it sounds like music to my ears


"Makes sense, and since you want it so specific why don't you come with me tomorrow to get my hair cut" he asks low, and suggestive making me bite my lower lip nodding.

"I'd love that" I reply smiling up at him as his hair falls in my face.

"Good because I'm taking you and the girls out for lunch, and maybe one more surprise stop" he suggests making me smile nodding kissing all over his face.

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