Chapter 20

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Sorry for the VERY late update. I won't be updating for another 2 weeks at the very latest.... but when I come back I need to see atleast 85 votes for that new chapter!!

85-95 ⭐️!!

Let's make it happen



After our little moment I sit on the bed with the girls,  Watching tv, as Antonio uses the bathroom

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After our little moment I sit on the bed with the girls, Watching tv, as Antonio uses the bathroom....or as I thought he was using the bathroom.

"You might be one of the most mysterious women I know" he speaks making me raise an eyebrow, snapping my head in the direction of his voice.

Only one of them....hmmm

I'm not salty

" no comment" I speak dryly before my eyes dart down from his face, noticing he's now shirtless.

God damn, he's fine

" well see you actually technically di-"

" shut up Toni" I speak hearing him chuckle, as he walks towards me. As he nears the bed I put a hand up, on his muscular chest, stopping him.

" we need rules, and boundaries set.... before one of us gets our feelings hurt" I speak, getting down to business.

Did he really think we solved everything with that sweet moment..... because we didn't.

" what did you have in mind" he speaks instantly getting serious taking me by surprise a bit, but nevertheless I go on.

"My. Rules are :

1.if you don't feel comfortable with me hanging around somebody tell me why, verbally, instead of using me as an example, and I'll talk to you as well if I don't feel comfortable with you around somebody

"Syd-" glaring up at him I cock my head.

"Don't interrupt me when I talk, or you'll find out just how high in ranks I was and why" I speak making him raise an eyebrow but close his mouth nonetheless.

".....2. If your feeling some type of way with me, talk to me, don't ignore me, that sends mixed signals, and doesn't solve anything... it just prolongs the process
3. If I ask for space please give it to me....I promise you I will tell you what's wrong just not at that moment
4. Do not try to spend money on me, because it will end up in an argument
5. Anything pertaining to the girls we will inform eachother about
6. I don't have to tell you everything I do when I'm doing it, because that's my business and I am a grown woman, same goes with how I dress
7. If I'm horny I will literally tell you, because I'm not a shy female, never really have been.....And thats all" I speak making him humm leaning on the desk.

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