chapter 13

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I'm SO sorry for the late update guys. School has been tough these last few weeks, so I took a break for a bit but now im back and ready to write for y'all 😁

Remember to vote and comment❤


We stay at her house a little longer before he announces that we're leaving

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We stay at her house a little longer before he announces that we're leaving. I watch as he gives her a hug again speaking.

"are you sure you don't want to move closer to the gang house, I'd feel a lot better knowing you were closer" he suggests and she smiles shaking her head.

"this is my home Toni you know I can't do that" she responds in a 'you already know tone'.

He nods, sighing and running a hand through his hair.

"stay safe, and call me if you need anything" he reminds and she nods before he takes a step back so I can tell her bye.

She pulls me into a tight hug, immediately, rubbing my back, to which I hug back. As we hug I start to relax, that is until not even two seconds into the goodbye hug, she whispers so low that I barely hear.

" He's not yours" she whispers harshly and I cant help but frown at her words, immediately feeling confused.

What the hell??

Before the frown can stay on my face, or I can ponder on my thoughts, she starts to pull away, to which I do the same, fixing my face but getting a slight attitude.

"take care, I hope to see you around some time" she says as she let's me go making me cock my head slightly as I look at her.

I swear if I could rock her shit right now...

We share a brief look before I break it, knowing if I keep looking the guys will pick up on the tension , biting my tongue from not saying anything irrational to this woman.

"I do" I reply before turning and walking out of the door first, feeling irritated.



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