Chapter 19

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"sydd " I hear my name called softly by Toni making me humm, having been quiet and listening to the sound of his heart

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"sydd " I hear my name called softly by Toni making me humm, having been quiet and listening to the sound of his heart.

Yes we're still naked, and in bed.....cuddling

I lay ontop of Toni as he caresses my back kissing the top of my head, making me snuggle into him more. I smile a bit as I feel him trace my tattoos, humming softly.


"Are you still mad at me" I ask in a muffle, breaking my previous silence making him give a look.

" I'm pissed..... that you couldn't listen, but I can't blame you for not listening because I didn't tell you anything, and I'm sorry for that, what I want to do now though is be honest....completely honest" he speaks giving me a look, making me sigh and sit up making sure we have no skin contact.

Of course he wants to

I watch as he sits up too and the covers fall off his chest revealing his toned chest, the hickeys I left from last night and the wolf tattoo with a crown.

 I watch as he sits up too and the covers fall off his chest revealing his toned chest, the hickeys I left from last night and the wolf tattoo with a crown

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" it's fine just ask" I frown as I look away from him holding the covers over my chest.

" sydd you don't have to speak if you don't want to" he mumbles making me look at him raising an eyebrow.

Did he really ju-

" yes I do Toni, And even if I did you'd ask eventually , so ask away" I mumble snapping softly making him nod and lean on the headboard.

" what's your favorite color" he asks making me raise an eyebrow, and he give me a challenging one in return.

" really Toni" I ask making him shrug giving me a boyish smirk.

"I asked you something.... answer" he speaks simply as his eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips. I find myself trying not to smile as he look at me.

" any color but hot pink" I speak making him chuckle and me smile.

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