Chapter 31

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Super late update sorry y'all!!

I decided to take a month off of all social media for the sake of mental health and all but I'm back and I'm semi over my writers block!!

Goal: 64 ⭐️

Will update as soon as the next chapter is finished being written


Upon arriving at the apartment, I watch as she just hands me her phone running a hand through her hair, obviously troubled.

Who contacted her to make her like this

The first place she goes is the bedroom, sitting the girls down on the bed.

"What's wrong" I ask, not even trying to talk around the problem with her, but for some reason that earns me a secretive glare and a cold, yet short reply.

"Just family drama " she mumbles as Mia holds her mothers face pouting up at sydd who just frowns back at her.

I watch the interaction staying silent and looking over sydd noticing she's different right now.

This isn't the nice syddney who acts like a baby or  gets jealous, this... this is unknown territory

"No lies" Mia mumbles making sydd sigh kissing mias forehead, putting her down, which causes Mia to look back at me worried before looking back at her mother who didn't see the small exchange.

Something definitely off

"I didn't lie" she responds a bit to coldly to which Mia huffs walking somewhere, causing sydd to look up, but as she does I don't see the usual tenderness in them.

It's like she's there but not

"Really sydd" I ask slightly irritated at her behavior standing up knowing our daughters (Atleast from what I've observed) and that particular one who just  left is sensitive but also has a tough facade.

"I didn't mean it I'll apologize....later" she mumbles not sparing me a glance as she just looks over the clothes in the closet highly concentrated.

I furrow my brows at her words and her actions, smacking my lips.

"Drop whatever you're about to say..... please" she asks and I can hear edge of 'or else' on the end of every word.

"Nah I don't think I will" I speak earning a babble from neveah who watches the scene with big worried eyes.

Shit I forgot she was here because she was so quiet

Turning to her I sigh looking as calm as possible, before speaking.

"go make sure sissy's alright, and then here's my phone, don't respond to texts or calls, unless it's from uncle Val" I instruct and I watch her small unknowing face smile at me nodding, happy.

I'll have to give her my phone more often if it means I get a smile

I watch as our second child leaves the room causing me to close the door behind them, before I look back at the task at hand.

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