Chapter 59

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The morning of the first task was pure chaos. Everyone was bustling around and getting ready as they wondered what the champions would have to go through for the first task. This Amelia already knew as she spent most of last night helping Harry perform his 'Accio' spell. Knowing the first task was dragons Amelia grew more worried for Harry. She barely got any sleep last night and woke the next morning to Katie screaming at her. The quidditch player was trying her best to keep her nerves calm while she got ready. Amelia's heart was pounding as her mind slipped to all the things that could go wrong during the task. Splashing cold water on her face she could see the bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep. She decided to add a light layer of concealer, before making her way down to the great hall.

Anticipation and zest filled the air, everyone was talking about the first task. Amelia took a seat next to Fred and began to nibble on her toast. She was so scared for Harry, he was two years younger than her and was facing a dragon, but then again he has defeated you-know-who three times. Her thought was cut off when she heard George talking about 'Bets'.

"You guys are placing bets?" She asked shocked.

"Correction we are running a small gambling booth," George replied as he pointed to his small briefcase.

It was typical for the twins to pull something like this. 'It wouldn't be the worst thing to make a gallon out of it.' After light banter the twins agreed to give everyone in the group twenty percent of the profit they make, as long as they helped. Amelia started to relax in the presence of her friends. Lee was telling one of his famous quidditch stories when Amelia heard Professor McGonagall call all the champions. She watched as all four champions who looked pale and sick to their stomach walked out of the great hall catching every one's attention.

Amelia turned her attention back to her toast anxiously waiting for Dumbledore to make his announcement. Her heart beating terribly loud and sweat began to build up, she felt Fred's hand squeeze hers before sending a small smile to her. An hour later Dumbledore announced where the first task would take place. The professors escorted the students to the Forbidden Forest.

As the students got closer to the forbidden forest Amelia saw a wide oval which was perhaps larger than the quidditch pitch. As everyone began to take their seats she looked ahead to see rocks sharp as knives set out in front of them. A golden egg was placed in the middle of the rocks and soon a dragon was set out. According to Hermione the first dragon was a Swedish short snout, with the booming of the canon the first task had begun.

The crowd roared as Cedric stepped out gripping his wand tightly. His eyes filled with determination as he began to make his way towards the egg. Unfortunately, he caught the attention of the short snout and received flames coming directly at him. The crowd gasped and watched as Cedric ducked behind a boulder. He tried to sneak past the dragon, but the grey dragon hissed and tried swatting Cedric with its tail. He raised his wand turning a boulder into a Labrador dog keeping the attention of the dragon before collecting the golden egg. The crowd cheered on watching Cedric get escorted by the Madam Pomfrey who was aiding to the cuts on his arm.

Mr Bagman announced the next champion who was the Beaubaxton champion. As she made her way to the stadium her eyes scanned the area in search of the egg. As soon as she caught the attention of the green welsh she casted a charm which caused the dragon to go into a deep slumber. The green welsh rested it's head on the large rock and Fleur tried making her way past it unfortunately her skirt caught on fire. She used another charm to squirt water from her wand and succeeded in grabbing the egg. Once again the crowd broke out into applause and Fleur was beaming as she was escorted to the hospital wing.

It was getting closer to Harry's turn making Amelia's leg bounce up and down, Fred's hand crept up to her thigh once more squeezing it gently trying his best to calm her down. Unfortunately, that just raised her adrenaline from his small touch and made her insides turn. Krum stepped out making the crowds cheers ear piercing. The Chinese fireball roared and let out a set of flames which Viktor dogged, and a set of ooh's came from the crowd. Viktor cast what looked like the Conjunctivitis curse, this only made the dragon angrier causing one of the eggs to smash. Due to one of the eggs being ruined the judges took some points off angering Krum.

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