Chapter 85

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As Amelia slipped on her shoes, she watched as Katie yelled at Lee from the stairs of the common room to hurry up. The party was going to be starting soon, and the group did not want to be late. Within seconds Lee came rushing down the stairs as he flipped back his newly done braids.

"Alright, let's go!" Lee said as he clapped his hands together smiling widely.

"Did you bring it," George asked referring to the weed.

Lee held up a small packet, showing the different coloured herb sitting in the packet. A pang of excitement hit Amelia as she couldn't wait to go to the party. The group left the common room and soon began to sneak around the castle making sure not to get caught.

The Hufflepuff common room, was near the kitchens which meant it was far away from the Gryffindor common room. Amelia stayed silent as Fred began to lead the way to the party. The halls were empty, and the crescent moon could be seen through the open windows.

These past two days had been the best she had, the more time she spent with Fred and her friends, Amelia felt as if she was becoming more of herself. The cool breeze whipping through her hair along with the faint smell of firewood, Amelia knew this was going to be a good night.

As soon as they entered the party Amelia jumped with excitement. A seventh year Hufflepuff boy greeted them with a bottle of gin in his hand. He had dark hair and a wicked smile. It seemed as if Katie knew him from quidditch as she instantly hugged him and began to talk to him.

Amelia felt her arm getting linked with Susan's. The Slytherin smiled and said, "Let me introduce you to a couple friends of mine."

They walked through the crowd of stumbling teenagers, most spilling their drinks or making out in the corner. There were smoke clouds scattered all over the room, as students reached a high. There was a certain atmosphere created by the Hufflepuffs. Music loud enough to dance, but soft enough to have a conversation with the person beside you. And different bottles of drinks were placed all around the room.

At one point Amelia and Katie were handed drinks by a random Hufflepuff. Amelia looked down at the cup, tilting it to see a bubbling silver liquid. She looked at Susan who shrugged and chugged down the liquid. Amelia was slightly weary of the drink, but she did the same.

The liquid was extremely strong, even though she dosed it down the flavour was bursting through her mouth. She made a sour face as Susan laughed still dragging her through the dance floor. The Hufflepuff common room was larger than most, and so it took them a while to reach the other end of the room.

"Susan!" Amelia heard a boy yell from the distance.

Amelia squinted her eyes to see there were a group of friends sitting in a circle, smoking and drinking. They seemed like a fun group to be around, all of them laughing and talking. Susan introduced Amelia to her friends and took a seat on the couch as Amelia sat next to her.

Looking around the group of friends, a girl with dirty blond hair turned over to her and offered Amelia a drink which sat in a red plastic cup. She introduced herself as, Natasha. Her hair was flipped to one side, and she had gorgeous green eyes. The girls' features were very prominent as she pushed the cup towards Amelia's mouth.

She looked down at the cup and asked, "What's in it?"

The girl laughed before replying, "Just a bunch of shit mixed in there."

Amelia rolled her tongue against her cheek, contemplating whether this was a good idea or not. She swirled the drink in her hand, before bringing it to her lips. She tried to down the drink as fast as she could, hoping she wouldn't taste it but that never worked.

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