Chapter 14

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By the end of November, all of Amelia's exams were completed and she was packing her bags to spend Christmas with her family. She was excited to see some of her old friends again and meet her grandparents. Her main purpose was to get over Fred. 

Amelia packed her bag taking most of her clothing but leaving some behind, she was only going to be gone for 2 weeks after all. "We're going to miss you. It's going to be our first Christmas without you." Lee said.

"I know, but it's only 2 weeks. I'll be back before you know it." Amelia was happy to leave but deep down inside she wanted to stay. "Write to me everyday promise." 

"Promise," they all said. "Okay, I have to get to the station. Bye guys have a great Christmas." Before she left she hugged Lee, George Katie and Fred. When she was hugging Fred she stayed there for a while. Her head was buried in his chest, she was going to miss him the most.


"Amelia dear, we've missed you. How was your first semester." Her mother embraced her in a warm hug. "This semester has been great. Our new defence against the dark arts teacher is so nice. Better than that Lockheart." She laughed at the mention of Professor Lockheart's horrible teaching skills.

The three made their way to the car. Her parents caught her up with all that was going on in the muggle world. Her dad was going on and on about how his company had promoted him. Amelia definitely missed her parents, she was always close with them. They told each other everything. 

Amelia felt exhausted once she reached home. She dropped her bags on her bedroom floor and made her way to her bed which had new silk sheets on. Amelia let her sleep consume her. She dreamt about her relationship with the red-head boy. 


"Amelia, Amelia darling it's time to wake up. Your mother wants to take you shopping." her dad brushed her brown hair off her face and gently nudged her.

"Okay give me a moment. I'll be up in a minute." Her dad left her room and she made her way to the bathroom and got ready. Amelia and her mother used to go shopping all the time. It was a tradition to go shopping after she came back from Hogwarts. Christmas was always the best time to go shopping everything was on sale and if you went at the right time you could avoid the rush and panic of other shoppers.

Once the two had reached the mall they went straight to their favourite shops. Christmas lights were hung all around the walls, Christmas trees were seen almost everywhere, everything was green and red. It seemed so magical. She wondered what Fred would think if he saw the muggle world. No no, stop thinking about him. He's not worth it. She mentally lectured herself.

"How is that Fred boy?" her mother asked.

"He's fine I guess." The time where she wanted to get her mind off him her mother brings him up.

"And how is Molly." She asked with excitement. Molly was Aubrey's (Mother's name) first and only wizard friend.

"Mrs Weasley is just fine as well. She was asking about you during the first train ride back to Hogwarts." This brought back the memory of her and Fred having their first fight of the year on the train ride to Hogwarts. It seemed as everything was somehow connected to him.

Amelia spent the next hour buying clothes left and right. She got two tops white and red, a checkered black schoolgirl skirt, and black boots. She ended up buying gifts for the group as well. They always enjoyed muggle gifts, they found them silly yet entertaining. A key chain for Lee, hand lotion for Katie, a musical box for George and comics for Fred. 


"Alright, Amelia now I want you to be good and write to us alright. You're going to have a great time there." Her mother said as tears built up in her eyes. Amelia waved back at them and made her way trying to find a compartment that was empty. She saw two boys sitting on their own that looked like twins.

"Can I sit here? The rest of the compartments are full." They looked similar to everyone but she could easily differentiate between the two. 

"Of course you can. I'm Fred and this is my brother, George. We're the Weasley twins" the two smiled brightly. Fred had lighter eyes that reminded her of caramel, George's were a dark brown which became lighter in the sunlight. Fred's hair looked soft and silky, so did Georges but something about Fred made butterflies appear in her stomach.

"I'm Amelia Whisp." she took a seat next to Fred. The three talked for a bit until Lee entered. They went through the same process of introducing themselves. 

The four of them ate chocolate frogs and played exploding snap. Almost everyone was asleep except for Fred and Amelia. The two were talking about their summer and how excited they were to go to Hogwarts. 

Fred began to show her some of his card's he collected from the chocolate frogs. Amelia, on the other hand, brought out her comics. The two read them together, Fred had an unusual interest for them. They were muggle books, but he still enjoyed them. The flashy pictures and plots kept the two entertained for the rest of the train ride. 


Amelia smiled at the memory and wondered if Fred remembered their first time together. Once her mother and Amelia were done shopping the made their way home for dinner.

Amelia was delighted to be spending Christmas with her family for the first time in almost four years. She missed having them around, but that didn't mean she stopped missing Fred.

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