Chapter 42

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A/N: I am aware that not all the houses have portraits to enter the common room. But in this case, we are going to add portraits. So just go with it.

Thursday was like no other. The group had spent most of their spare time going over the plan figuring out how to perfect it. Amelia was currently sitting in the common room the fire roaring spreading the warm light all over. The group had scarfed down their lunch before making their way back to the common room. "We have another half an hour before Potions," Fred said looking at the grandfather clock before averting his eyes back to the group.

George was filled with excitement all over, Lee seemed a bit nervous than usual. He kept going over the plan over and over again making sure everyone understood what they had to do. "Okay let's go over the plan one more time," Lee spoke his sweaty palms going over the piece of parchment again. 

"Lee please calm down. We have been over the plan at least fifty times." Katie rubbed her hand up and down his back soothing the nervous boy. Amelia was sitting in the velvet armchair in her usual position feet tucked into her chest her head balancing on her knees. Silence filled the room. Lee whispering the plan to himself, George watching the fire and how it danced within the coal, Katie still rubbing Lee's back in hopes that he would calm down. Amelia looked out the window the sky was clear birds chirping the sun hitting her face. Fred watched as she smiled when a bird flew past, or when she took a deep breath before soaking up the sunlight. 'She's perfect' he thought to himself. 

The five made their way to potions class dreading every second of it. Fred sat with Lee, Amelia and Katie in front of them George sitting with Susan. Professor Snape was lecturing them on how most of them could have done better on their O.W.L.S. His eyes kept going to Fred and George as he spoke. "Now for your last class, I expect you to make Amortentia without looking at your textbook. You should know how to make the potion as it was part of your exam in the first term." Snape turned around but Amelia caught the smirk forming on his lips. The class groaned and so did Amelia. Making the Amortentia potion wasn't hard it just took time. 

"You're going to help me because of the number of times I've helped you in Herbology," Katie whined hoping Amelia would help her make the potion.

"Calm down Katie. I'll write down the ingredients you just get them." Amelia scribbled the different ingredients onto the parchment before giving it to Katie. She placed the different equipment onto her bench preparing the next hour of continuous stirring. 

An hour of Katie freaking out, along with Professor Snape's vile comments Amelia survived potions class. The Amortentia potion was finally complete. Katie brought her nose down blushing at what she smelt, not wanting to tell a soul. Amelia did the same the smell of strawberry and vanilla flooding her nose. It was the most incredible smell, Amelia didn't dare to look over at Fred as it was him who she smelt. She wondered who Fred smelt, whether he was over her. 'Of course, he's over you, do you not remember when he slept with Angelina' her subconscious added making Amelia's blood boil. 

Dinner went by fast, Amelia's mind was filled with many things. Her mother's mysterious letter, if Fred was over her, and the prank the group was going to play on the school. "You okay love." She met his caramel eyes and instantly felt the stress leave her. "Yea just thinking." Amelia hadn't mentioned her mother's letter to her group as yet. She wanted to just didn't know when. 

"About what?" He pushed her never leaving her gaze.

"Mum sent me this letter yesterday it was really weird. She was all like things are going to change on your seventeenth birthday." Amelia felt the weight lift off of her chest as she told her friends what she was thinking off.

"Well, hopefully, she'll tell you soon cause your birthday is coming up." Lee nudged her making Amelia smile. The group spent the rest of the night in the common room going over the plan once more before playing a game of exploding snap. Lee won once again, Amelia suspected he was cheating. "You cheater." Amelia shrieked.

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