Chapter 50

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The sunlight was creeping into Ginny's bedroom, the golden colours spreading all across the room. Amelia could hear the faint sound of birds chirping by, though she wanted to sleep for longer. Turning to her side she saw Hermione's bed was left empty, she looked up to see Ginny still fast asleep. Not caring about her friend's strange disappearance Amelia drifted off to sleep once again. 

Amelia woke to a soft pillow hitting her face. "Ugh, what is it." She groaned. 

"Wake up. Mum's making breakfast." Ginny laughed at Amelia's sleepy state. Soon she made her way down the stairs, the house was filled with the smell of bacon and eggs. Her mouth-watering and stomach growling she made her way towards the kitchen as fast as possible.

A group of redheads swarmed around the kitchen table. Amelia sat in between Ron and Ginny. A blush was on his cheeks and a smirk on his lips. "Mione where did you go this morning?" Ginny asked and Amelia thought back to this morning seeing Hermione's bed empty. 

Hermione went red she tried her best not to make eye contact with her friends sitting across. "Um, I went to the bathroom." Hesitation was in her voice and her eyes lingered towards Ron. Amelia's jaw went to the floor, 'Hermione went to Ron's room.' she thought to herself making sure to interrogate her after breakfast. 

After breakfast, Mr Weasley told all the children to get ready to pick up Harry. The twins Ron and Amelia were going to bring Harry to the burrow using Floo powder. "Now Amelia you're going to have to help me talk to the muggles." Mr Weasley stated and Amelia nodded. She changed out of her pajamas and into a pair of comfortable shorts along with a white bodysuit. 

"Alright, I will go first then Ron, George, Fred and Amelia." Mr Weasley grabbed a handful of Floo powder before saying his destination Ron did the same along with George following. Fred and Amelia were left, the two stood there awkwardly. "Fred it's your turn." She watched him grab the Floo powder before green flames engulfed him and just like that he was gone. 

Amelia hated travelling by Floo powder, it made her feel dizzy and sick. She stated Harry's house throwing the powder onto the floor. Green flames engulfed her, her head began to spin like crazy. She could feel the wind whipping against her, Amelia's stomach churned until she hit a hard chest. Everything was dark and Fred groaned. "Sorry, Fred. What's going on." Her head was pressed against his chest, along with her hands on them as well. Fred didn't know what else to do with his hands so he placed them around her lower back. 

"The muggles have blocked the fireplace, so we're stuck here for a while." Even though this was the most uncomfortable Amelia had ever been she was with Fred. With his arms around her the two in a very cramped position she felt protected. A flash went off followed by a large bang, Amelia's body was thrown across the room. She heard Harry's aunt shriek, dust filled the muggle living room. Amelia quickly stood up brushing the dust off her. She looked over to see Harry in the corner of the living room a huge smile on his face.

The Dursley's, on the other hand, looked so scared. Harry's cousin Dudley was crouching behind the sofa his eyes wide. Mr Dursley's suit was covered in dust, his moustache had turned a horrible colour of grey. Mrs Dursley was squirming behind her husband, her hair was spiralling out of control along with dust specks scattered on her face. 

Mr Weasley brought out his hand for Mr Dursley to shake, but Harry's uncle looked stunned. "Uh. Harry have you packed your things." Harry nodded. "Well go and grab your things, and we should be off." Harry was about to respond when the twins began to make their way up the stairs grabbing Harry's luggage. 

"Harry, how have you been?" Mr Weasley asked trying to get rid of the tension building in the room. "Good Mr Weasley." Silence filled the room once again. 

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