Chapter 70

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A/N: Early chapter update your welcome. I mean it's a bit short but it's needed. 

The weeks had gone by with Amelia focusing on her studies and recovering. During the first week Amelia's Legilimecy had gone wild, endless nights with no sleep, constant migraines along with her lashing out on anybody. Fred had tried talking to her but eventually gave up when he got no response. As the next week came around Amelia's parents visited Hogwarts discussing the whole situation with Arline. They decided to stick around checking on Amelia and wanting to watch the third task. By that week Amelia could feel herself getting better as she got into the schedule of working on her subjects and preparing for her finals.

"Amelia you coming down for lunch?" Katie asked as she slipped into her robes. Usually, Amelia would say no but she was quite hungry, as she hadn't been eating as much as she should have.

The two waited at the common room for the twin's and Lee, soon making their way down to the great hall. As usual the large room was filled with a large number of students talking and going about their day. Occasionally Amelia would catch people staring in her direction most likely spreading more rumours, but Fred always scared them away before comforting Amelia. He'd do the simplest of things that made her feel warm inside.

Lunch went by with the group discussing the last task trying to guess what the champions would have to face. Amelia listened mindlessly until she heard Fred. "I know you can hear me," He said but she looked up to see his lips weren't moving.

"I know it's been a hard couple of weeks for you so I was thinking a nice night together might ease your mind," Fred's soft airy voice spoke as a smile grew on Amelia's face. She looked up at him and nodded yes, not caring what he had planned as long as it involved the two together. "Meet me in the Gryffindor common room at exactly midnight two nights from now."


"And how frequent are your migraines?" Amelia's dad asked as he sipped on his tea.

Lately Amelia's parents had been more cautious about her Legilimecy than ever. Dumbledore had lent the couple an extra room in the Hogwarts castle specifically for them to keep an eye on Amelia. At first she enjoyed having her parents around but now they were becoming more and more cautious about her Legilimecy.

"Only two today," Amelia responded back with her arms crossed as she death stared her parents.

Her father scoffed and her mother grew more worried, "Only two, Amelia this is not okay," Her mother said as she walked up and down the room.

"It's not like I can control it!" Amelia yelled back at them getting irritated with their questions.

"Have you been reading those books we've send you?" Her mother asked once again.

"Yes," Amelia replied with a blank face.

"And been practicing those methods we told you about?"

"Yes," she said again.

Amelia could tell her father was getting annoyed with Amelia's lack of control over her Legilimecy. Every night since they had come to Hogwarts they would ask her how she had been controlling it and buy the fifth or sixth night the same lot of questions began to get annoying.

"For Gods sake Amelia, you need to take care of this yourself. We can't help you with this," Her father yelled at her as he stood from his chair.

With Amelia just as angry she stood up and yelled "You think I don't know that! I have been trying."

And just like that things were beginning to get out of hand. Amelia's mother yelled back saying how she shouldn't yell like that. Though Amelia was not having it she screamed out all her anger and frustration at them but that didn't stop her parents from doing the same. The three of them in a screaming match made Amelia's blood boil. She could feel her head beginning to pound like crazy but ignored it and continued the argument.

It could have been the heat of the disagreement which made Amelia completely drop to the floor and yell out in pain as her entire body went weak. Having no more control over her mind Amelia let her Legilimecy take over. The sounds of her parent's voice began to fade as an immense amount of pain went over her. Voices from all around the castle went from whispers to screams. Amelia was crying out in pain holding her head in her hands now trying to make it stop but nothing seemed to work.

Her hands shaking and her eyes filled with tears Amelia hears one voice as clear as daylight almost calling out to her. "Come on darling I know you can do it," the voice thin airy sounding like the one person she knew. Uncle Alphard.

It was a voice Amelia hadn't heard in a while. Another tear fell down her cheek as the voices disappeared. 'If only he had been here with me' Amelia thought to herself.

"Amelia are you alright?" Her father asked as he lifted her back up and sat her down. Amelia's mother came rushing to her with a glass of water.

It took a while for Amelia to calm down but once she caught her breath she sat in silence wondering when she would be able to control her Legilimecy. The night went on and her parents insisted that Amelia stay with them. As much as she didn't want to she knew they could help her.

As Amelia slept on the sofa her body completely curled up together she wondered whether the voice of her late uncle came from deep within her subconscious. 

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