Chapter 29

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A/N: Smut Warning towards the end of the book

Amelia watched as the sun rose from the horizon. The sunlight practically golden rushing through the great hall's large window. She had been awake for an hour now. It wasn't the fact that she was sleeping on the floor, but it was the fact that Sirius Black could be roaming the halls.

Amelia sat up straight, bringing her knees into her chest. Everyone was sleeping her eyes scanned the room and locked with Eric. He was across the room, but she could still see the brown swirling in his eyes. His hair was wild, curls were all over the place. He gave her a soft smile and mouthed "Are you okay." Amelia returned a nod mouthing back "Are you?" he nodded as well.

Her eyes went over to Fred who was still sleeping, his mouth was slightly open some of his ginger hair was sticking up. Amelia went back to Eric, he mouthed, "Are we still on for today?" she had completely forgotten about her plans with Eric in the library, but she did want to complete her assignment. Amelia quickly nodded making her way back into her warm sleeping bag.

Most students were starting to get up making their way into their common rooms, teachers accompanying them. Amelia placed small kisses on Fred's cheek making him smile. "Come on Freddie we have classes to get to" He smiled at the nickname. Soon the Gryffindors made their way to their common room.

Amelia took a quick shower, the fresh scent of coconut made her feel more awake. She was just about to leave when she heard tapping on the window, it was the family owl Naroh, her parents got the owl the year Amelia was leaving for Hogwarts that way her parents could communicate with her. She let the owl in letting him rest. A small envelope was attached along with a jar of peanut butter. It was from her mother.

"Dearest Amelia,

We heard the news last night and hope you are doing well. I don't want you to worry, but our family and the black family have had problems before. I wish I could tell you in person but I cannot. Your father used to go to Hogwarts and was best friends with Sirius. Some drama went down in between the two families. Your father never told me what it was but it sounded serious. I have told Dumbledore about this, he has given me his word that he will look after you. Please don't worry, I hope you understand why I told you this. I've sent a jar of your favourite peanut butter as well to help calm you down.

Lots of Love Mother."

Amelia thought her mother's letter would make her feel better, instead, the horrible news made her feel worse. She wasn't scared if Sirius came after her, she was scared if he came after her friends and family. The thought of her parents getting hurt, or Lee, Katie, George or Fred. She would go mad and never forgive herself.

Naroh must have noticed her mood changing because he flew up to her shoulder nuzzling his head into her neck. "Don't go just yet, I'll write to mother after breakfast."

She made her way down the stairs where Fred was sitting in the common room waiting for her. "Come let's get breakfast love." she simply smiled at him still debating whether or not to tell Fred about the whole Sirius Black and her family thing. Fred must have noticed her mood and asked. "Everything alright love." he knows me so well Amelia thought to herself.

"I'll tell you later okay." Amelia didn't want to talk about it just yet and Fred didn't want to push her. He squeezed her hand reassuring her everything would be alright.

It was a Saturday morning and Amelia was already dreading it. Breakfast went by quick. Katie was reading the daily prophet talking about Sirius black. Where ever she went everyone was talking about him, she just wanted to get away from the news.

Amelia wrote back to her mother thanking her for the peanut butter and told her to find out what happened between her dad and Sirius. She spent the next hour or so with the group, they did put her in a better mood but the thought was still in her head. Amelia started reading her mum's romance novels which were very steamy, it was almost like the book was giving her sex advice.

Soon she found herself going to the library to meet up with Eric. She found the same spot was empty so she placed her bag on the floor taking out her assignment. Amelia noticed Eric coming up to her table, he was in a blue sweater, pairing it with black jeans. It looked like he washed his hair as she could see how some of his curls were damp. "Ready Whisp." he smiled while taking his books out.

They spent around an hour working on the assignment. Amelia thought she would be in the library until dinner. "See it's that simple," Eric said putting his quill down.

"Thanks, Eric, Snape better give me an A on this." Eric was very smart every now and then he would check on Amelia making sure she was on the right track. He even proofread her assignment making sure there were no spelling or grammatical errors.

"Are you excited about the quidditch match tomorrow?" Fred was playing against the Ravenclaws. It was obvious Gryffindor was going to beat Ravenclaw, they always did. "Quidditch is alright, though Gryffindor is going to lose," he said in a playful tone.

"How dare you. Gryffindor is the best." Amelia spoke crossing her arms.

"Alright let's bet on it. You will do all my charms homework if Gryffindor loses. And if they win I'll do all your potions homework." Amelia shook his hand, Gryffindor never lost and she wouldn't have to do potions homework.


"Bell passes by Davis and scores another 10 points for Gryffindor," Lee yelled into the speakerphone. So far Gryffindor was 50 points ahead. Fred would wink at Amelia every now and then when he passed by her. He looked so handsome in his Quidditch uniform. Ron and Hermione were constantly yelling at the team members, Amelia had no idea how interested Hermione was in Quidditch. "Looks like Harry Potter has found the snitch, he's going to grab it. And he's got the snitch once again. Gryffindor wins!"

Everyone was erupting with cheer, Amelia quickly made her way down to the field leaping into Fred's arms. "You won." Amelia laughed loudly before kissing Fred. She could taste some of the sweat but didn't care, her hormones were all over the place and she wanted him.

The group made it to the common room to their surprise a party was held for their victory. Amelia quickly had a cup of butterbeer chugging it before grabbing Fred and leading him to her room. "What's gotten into you." Fred laughed as she pushed him against the wall.

"Nothing just wanted to taste you." Fred's jaw was practically on the floor. Amelia locked the door before dropping down onto her knees. Fred was still pressed against the wall, loving how Amelia took charge. She unbuttoned his pants before pulling them down. Amelia was the perfect height as her lips were just above his hard cock.

Pulling his boxers down she immediately took him in. Fred gasped, her tongue was warm against him. Amelia took her time building up speed. Her hands were free so she unbuttoned her shirt, throwing it on the floor beside her. Fred looked down to see Amelia looking up at him, seeing Amelia's lips around him made goosebumps appear on his skin. His hands went down to her hair pulling at the amount of pleasure going through his body.

"You like that don't you," Amelia said in between blowing him. The dirty words leaving her mouth made Fred moan, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, making Amelia smirk.

Giving her mouth a break her hands were going up and down making his legs shake. "Tell me you like it." She hissed, it wasn't like her to talk dirty she had gotten a boost of confidence.

"Fuck Amelia. Don't stop" he said in between moans. Her lips back around his cock. Her tongue swirling all around not stopping until he had reached his climax.

Amelia continued this process until the warm liquid squirted into her mouth. She loved seeing the power she had over Fred. His eyes were sewn shut, legs were shaking along with him screaming her name boosted her confidence. Once she was done, Amelia stood back up, facing him. A smirk had formed on her face. In the book the girl wiped away the cum on her lips in a very seductive manner, so Amelia did the same.

She brought her thumb to her lips wiping away the small amount of cum on her lips, she then stood on her tiptoes so she could bring her lips to Fred's ear and said. "You taste so good." Amelia gently nibbled on his earlobe, before making a small moaning sound. Her lips trailed down to his neck sucking on his skin. Amelia left him standing in the room completely shocked she made her way back down to the party giggling at what she had just done.

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