Chapter 55

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Sitting in the living room, the soft sound of the dying fire along with the swaying of the trees Amelia was waiting for Fred. It was the last night before the summer was going to end, soon she would be on her way to platform 9 and ¾ stepping onto the Hogwarts Express.

The small clock on the wall showed it was two in the morning though Amelia was not tired. Her mind racing about the fact that she would be seeing Fred soon in his pyjamas and hopefully without a shirt on. Amelia tucked a loose strand of her now short hair behind her ear. Mrs Weasley had cut her hair only yesterday which was now resting on her shoulders, her hair felt healthier and bouncier than usual. She glanced towards the staircase in the hopes of seeing Fred.

She knew he would come, he had to come it was tradition after all. Ever since Amelia spent a summer at the Weasley's house Fred and Amelia would spend the last night with each other talking about everything. Sitting only in her white tank top along with a pair of black shorts Amelia began to grow worried. 'What if he forgot.' She thought to herself, maybe he didn't even want to see her. She quickly began to grow worried anxiety taking over.

The faint creaking of the stairs made her heart leap slightly, she looked over to the wooden stairs seeing Fred. Unfortunately, he had a shirt on, but it was one of his old t-shirts which were tight in all the right places. His muscles contracted underneath, in his hand was a small bag filled with sweets. A goofy grin was placed on his lips as he tip toed his way to Amelia.

"Sorry I took so long. I was trying to sneak in a couple of sweets," Sitting down across Amelia his eyes lingering on her legs for a bit longer.

Though he was worth the wait. Amelia whispered a small spell underneath her breath allowing the fire to grow within seconds. The warmth spread throughout the small living room and the fire began to crackle on the hot coal. The golden light fell onto Fred's face allowing Amelia to get a better look at him. Freckles scattered along his cheeks and the caramel swirling in his sparkling eyes.

His eyes wandered towards Amelia taking in every inch of her. A smile formed on her face which made Fred's heart warm. The crinkles formed around her eyes once again, and the moonlight created a glow around her. Amelia looked heavenly. Fred's eyes trailed down to her body, watching as her stomach rose with every breath she took in, he quickly looked away realising he was staring for too long. Fred placed the small bag in between himself and Amelia and warned her that some of the sweets would have enchantments on them. Fred had managed to bring all kinds of sweets, he even brought in the ones Amelia had gotten him for his birthday. Muffled laughter echoed throughout the cramped room, the two talked for what seemed like ages.

"Can you believe it we're going into our sixth year," Amelia shoved a mouth full of toffee's in her mouth.

"I know I'm not looking forward to our N.E.W. T's," Fred sighed.

He leaned back placing his arms against his head allowing his biceps to flex. Amelia allowed herself to stare just a bit longer, his chest and arms were toned in the most perfect manner. His slow breaths rising his stomach and stretching his worn-out t-shirt. Amelia's eyes went to his jawline remembering when she placed kisses on them long ago. Soon her eyes met his, the hazel eyes softened and so did hers. It took Amelia all her might to break eye contact, if she looked into them for too long perhaps she would fall apart.

The duo spent most of the night going over different topics, from life after Hogwarts to life before Hogwarts. Hours were spent cracking bad jokes, tasting awful candy and having small moments to themselves.

The two had made their way towards the windowsill watching the slow process of the sunrise. Amelia watched the as the trees were swaying along with the faint sound of birds chirping. Fred was doing his impressions of the different Hogwarts professors, making Amelia laugh.

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