Chapter 27

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After dinner Amelia made her way to Hagrid's hut, she was going to ask one of her friends to join her but as they weren't close with Hagrid there was no point. She made her way down the stairs, Amelia could see the lights were on in his hut so he must have been awake.

Her knuckles hit the hard wooden door. The door opened and she found Ron standing in the doorway. "Hey Amelia, didn't expect to see you here." Ron found it quite odd that Amelia would be visiting Hagrid. He didn't even know Hagrid was close with Amelia.

"You're not the only one who has been friends with Hagrid since the first year." Smirking she walked into the hut, where Hagrid was making tea along with Harry and Hermione sitting on the round table. "Hagrid let me do that for you." Amelia walked up to him taking the teapot and preparing the water. He gave her a small smile and sat down in between Ron and Harry. 

"The ministry got involved." Amelia sucked in a sharp breath and prepared for the worst as Hagrid was going to tell the news. "They said I started too big, and now that Lucious Malfoy told the ministry to sentence Buckbeak to death." Tears were filling Hagrid's eyes which was making Amelia cry too, but she had to stay strong for him. 

"I'm going to kill Malfoy." Ron was mad. Draco always bugged him about his family, but Ron had a soft spot for Hagrid he hated seeing him like this. It was around eight which meant they had to go back to their dormitories. Amelia didn't want to leave Hagrid, the group put him in a better mood but she felt guilty leaving him. 

Amelia listened as the trio talked about ways to help Hagrid. She knew they couldn't do anything about it so she stayed quiet. "Are you not staying Amelia?" Harry asked as he saw her walk up the stairs. 

"No, I'm tired. I'll see you tomorrow though" Amelia said goodnight to the trio. She was about to make her way to her dorm when she realised she had barely seen Fred all day. Amelia made sure no one was looking and walked through the wall, her body was shivering as the cold wind brushed past her. Quickly making her way to Fred's room, trying her best to hide. She walked into the room. 

Fred was sitting on his bed reading one of the comics Amelia had given her. "Love I haven't seen you all day." He was smiling brightly. Amelia missed him no one was in the room except for the two of them which gave the couple some alone time. 

"I know I missed you." She made her way towards him nuzzling her face in his chest. The fresh scent of vanilla told her that he had just showered. Fred kept reading gently stroking her hair, calming her nerves. Amelia could hear his breathing and occasionally his stomach making odd noises which made her giggle. She lifted her head raising her arm she counted the freckles scattered on his cheeks. Fred smiled at her. It was one of those moments that felt like they lasted forever. Her touch was light and his skin was soft. Amelia could feel herself getting tired and Fred's eyes grew heavy.

Amelia woke to a flash going off along with George and Lee standing over them trying to hold in their laughter. "What the fuck are you guys doing." Amelia was always grumpy when her sleep was ruined. Fred was awake as well he tightened his arm around Amelia's waist hoping she wouldn't attack George or Lee.

"You'll thank us for this." Lee was holding the camera before taking another picture. George and Lee were laughing even louder. "We definitely have to make more copies," George spoke looking at the first developed photo. Amelia saw her arms wrapped around Fred, her head on his chest. She could see that she was smiling in her sleep. Fred was smiling too, his hair was messy while his arms were around Amelia's waist. She smiled at the photo. 

The second picture was a moving one. The flash had just gone off startling Amelia she then tilted her head to the side while rolling her eyes back. Fred was behind her trying to stop laughing as he looked at her with a smile he gives when he's shy. It was around nine Amelia was still in her uniform she kissed Fred goodnight while whacking Lee and George on the head before grabbing the two photographs. "I'll be making copies of these." 

Once she got to her room Katie was already asleep, while Angel and Alicia were helping each other with their homework. Alicia noticed the pictures in her hand "Aww you and Fred look so adorable." Angel jumped out of bed grabbing the photos from Amelia. 

"I wish I had this with someone," Angel said. She could have this with anyone in the school, but she knew her worth.

Amelia changed out of her pyjamas working on the homework Professor Trelawney had given them. Amelia struggled a bit as she barely paid attention in that class but soon understand what she had to do. 

It had been a long day and Amelia was ready to let her dreams consume her mind. She thought about Buckbeak and how Hagrid would be losing a friend. Amelia was angry at Draco but his stupid father was the one who convinced the ministry to kill Buckbeak. Lucious would do anything to make Hagrid's life a living hell. It was out of Amelia's reach and before she knew it her sleep had consumed her. 

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