Chapter 18

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Fred's POV

Mrs Whisp had ever so kindly tidied up the guest bedroom so I could have a room to myself. But in all honesty, I'd much rather be with Amelia and her company all day. The room was actually quite large compared to the one in The Burrow, or maybe I only felt that way because I shared it with George. God, I missed the sucker, but it was nice not having to share the bathroom for once. With the unfamiliar setting I ended up waking up way earlier than usual and decided to just lounge in bed instead of waking Amelia up. I was left with my thoughts and suddenly I couldn't stop thinking. What if her parents think I'm some kind of stalker just showing up unannounced? Amelia on the other hand probably thinks of me as the most desperate bastard after the whole Angelina situation. Thankfully my thoughts were interrupted by some shuffling noises outside my room and I assumed it was her parents leaving for work. 

I heard the front door shut along with the car starting. Her parents must be off to work. Before making my way to Amelia's room I fixed my hair still giving it that messy morning look. I gently squeezed some toothpaste onto my finger, running it through the back of my mouth and rinsed it off with water. Hair check, breath minty, appearance handsome. 

I treaded lightly towards her room and entered closing the door behind me. Sunlight was beginning to creep in through her window, and the soft scattered rays made her room look golden. She was fast asleep breathing lightly against her pillow with her brown hair spread across. Even when she slept, she looked so beautiful and angelic. Her covers were all the way up to her neck, and she looked so warm and comfy I was almost tempted to slide in next to her.

But of course, sharing a room with a twin had taught me about personal space so I made my way to her bed, sitting at the edge. A curl was sitting in the middle of her forehead, and I leant it, my fingers wrapped around tugging lightly.

Her eyes began to flutter open and a smile crept along her face, "Fredrick Weasley are you watching me sleep?"

Oh, Merlin, how did she know. If it was her parents that only thought of him a stalker, she would now too. I was sitting on her bed for less than a minute. Had it been a minute or more? I could already feel my cheeks heating up. I was never one to be embarrassed easily but around Amelia I always got so flustered. How does she do that, the amount of power this girl has on me will honestly be the death of me.

"Freddie, I'm just teasing," she spoke, obviously taking notice of my overthinking.

I let out a small chuckle trying to change the subject, "So do we have any plans for the day?"

Even though asking her about today's plan was a way to distract her from my embarrassing moment I was genuinely curious. Yesterday was amazing. I had never seen this other side to Amelia, the muggle side to her. It was so interesting, how she knew everything and took charge. I got to spend the whole day with Amelia, and the thought of spending the next few days with her made me even more excited.

"Nothing really. We can stay home for the day and cook something Muggle style," she sat up causing her covers to pool around her waist.

It was only then that I realised she was wearing my Holyhead Harpies T-shirt that she got me for my birthday. I didn't even mind because it looked better on her than on me.

"Are you wearing my T-shirt?" I teased her.

"Erm... yeah, you left it in the bathroom, plus it's the comfiest shirt around."

She started making her way out of bed which allowed the shirt to fall around her thighs. Her hair was messy around the back and covered her face, but I noticed a tinge of pink in her cheeks. Is she blushing?

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