Chapter 44

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It was an hour into the train ride and Amelia was growing bored playing exploding snap. Lee had won five games in a row making Amelia grow suspicious. "Let's play another round?" Lee asked cheekily. 

"I'm good." Amelia was sitting beside Fred, Lee Katie and George opposite her. She was looking out the window watching the scenery unfold in front of her. She plopped her head against the window listening to the faint sound of the train tracks squealing beneath. 

Amelia closed her eyes focusing on her breathing. Last nights prank took up most of her time to sleep leaving slight bags under her eyes. "Someone's a bit cranky." She heard Lee's voice. Amelia opened her eyes throwing daggers at him. "What what did I say." He asked innocently. 

"I'm just tired." Amelia huffed placing her head back on the window. 

"I didn't say anything." Lee looked at her with a weird expression. Amelia rolled her eyes not wanting to start an argument. Amelia felt the tension rise in the small room. She felt her eyes become heavy letting her thoughts consume her. 

The dream Amelia had was like no other. Usually, her dreams involved her best friends spending time together, but this dream was odd. 

Amelia was standing alone in a field filled with poppies she was wearing a plain white dress. Amelia saw a figure standing at the end of the field waving back to her. She walked a bit closer to see it was her Uncle Alphard. Amelia ran towards him yelling his name. She was so close until a green light consumed his body making him fall to the ground. The clouds darkened turning the sky completely black. "Nooo," Amelia screamed. His eyes were lifeless and his head flopped over to the side. She placed his head on her lap stroking his brown hair back. Tears were streaming down her face, Amelia looked around trying to find who killed her Uncle. When she looked back to Uncle Alphard, there was no one there. Amelia looked around again tears streaming down her face, she tried screaming his name again but nothing came out. Amelia's white dress was now stained deep red blood covered all over her hands. Amelia felt something pull her towards the floor and before she knew it she was standing in the middle of King Cross station. People were walking by her pushing past her barely noticing her. Blood was still all over her. Amelia began to hear the loud chattering of the people walking by her, though non of them were talking. The loud whisperings became louder overwhelming her. Amelia brought her hands to her ears trying to block out the sound, instead, they just became louder. The whispers consumed Amelia bringing her down on her knees. She began to cry again screaming and yelling for someone to help her. 

"Amelia Amelia." Fred's voice woke her up from her nightmare. "Melia darling you okay." Fred's arms were wrapped around Amelia, her head was buried in his chest. She looked over to see Katie and Lee were now fast asleep and George was no longer in their carriage and the sky had grown dark outside. 

"It was just a nightmare. I'm here now." Fred comforted her still holding tightly onto her not wanting to let go. She didn't say anything just knowing she was with him was enough for her to feel safe again. Fred let his fingers trace circles on her arm allowing goosebumps to form, and just like that the two fell asleep. Both finding comfort in each other's arms. 

Amelia was deep in sleep she felt Fred shift underneath her and soon felt the warmth of his body leave her. Amelia shifted her body towards the window curling her self up in a ball. 

Amelia felt her eyes open after another five minutes. It was odd to think that as soon as Fred left she couldn't sleep. Lee and Katie were talking to each other, both of the twins were gone now. "Hey, Amelia. We have another two hours before we reach you should get changed." Amelia simply nodded grabbing a pair of black denim shorts with a loose green t-shirt. Amelia made her way towards the bathroom where she spotted George talking to Susan. The two looked so cute together Amelia thought to herself. 

Once she made it to the bathroom she splashed cold water on her face getting rid of her sleepy state. Amelia slipped her green t-shirt on and stepped into her shorts. She fixed her hair before making her way out of the small bathroom. 

Amelia began to make her way back to the cabin she walked pass the different groups of children sitting and talking. Some were eating different kinds of sweets and chocolates. Amelia heard loud giggling coming from down the hallway. Amelia decided to walk closer to see who it was. 

She spotted Angelina talking to Fred the two kept their distance from each other and we're having what looked like a pleasant conversation. Amelia was still far away from the two leaving her unnoticed. Amelia watched as Angelina giggled way too much at Fred's jokes. 

Amelia must have made a sudden movement as Angelina saw Amelia standing in the corner. Angelina smirked at Amelia holding eye contact she pushed herself against Fred startling him. The two were so close to each other "Oh Fred you're so funny." Angelina placed her hand on his chest sliding it down stopping right in front of his member. Fred looked very uncomfortable but Angelina didn't care. 

Amelia blood began to boil. She hated seeing him with another girl, her stomach churned and she balled her fist. The familiar feeling of hatred sparked in her. Angelina looked back from Fred to Amelia giving her another smirk. 

Amelia glared at Angelina one last time before walking back to Lee and Katie. She sat herself down huffing and folding her arms. "You okay Amelia," Lee asked concerned for his friend. 

"Yea just saw Fred and Angelina flirting." Even saying it hurt Amelia. 

"What!" Katie yelled so loud people walking by looked concerned. "How dare he," Katie yelled once again rage taking over her. Lee calmed down Katie before directing the conversation back to Amelia.

"He's allowed to move on. It's not like we're together anymore. It just hurts seeing him like that." Amelia mumbled. Katie moved to sit beside Amelia rubbing her back. "I'm sorry Amelia. He's an idiot who doesn't know what he's missing out on." Katie tried to comfort her but Amelia had mixed feelings about the situation. She was feeling guilty because her kiss with Eric ruined her relationship, and now she was hurt seeing Angelina and Fred together. 

The rest of the train ride Amelia tried her best to ignore Fred. She faked sleeping and every time he would try to talk to her she would pretend she didn't hear him. Amelia felt awful and at one point Fred gave up trying to talk to her. 

The Hogwarts express finally came to a halt. Amelia grabbed her bags rushing out of the train Katie beside her. Katie saw her parents in the distance, but before she left Katie hugged her friend. "Have a great summer and write to me every day." She squeezed her one last time before letting go. 

Amelia made her way through the thick crowd trying to find her parents. The conversations of people passing by grew louder as children reunited with their parents. Her ears began to ring, it sort of felt like what happened in her nightmare. The whisperings began to grow louder and Amelia felt the pain rush to her ears. It felt as if the pain was eating her alive. 

Amelia brought her hands to her ears the pain echoing throughout her body. She whimpered trying not to cry, her hands began to shake and the whispering became louder. 'What is going on' she thought. 

Amelia felt someone's hand on her shoulder spinning her around. Fred Weasley. Her eyes met his caramel ones and the whispering instantly stopped. "You wouldn't leave without saying goodbye would you?" A soft smile formed on his lips. 

"No. Never." Amelia pulled him into a hug. His arms snuck their way towards her waist pulling her closer making Amelia blush. 

"I'll write to you and let you know when we can bring you to the burrow." Fred squeezed her one last time before making his way to the family of red-heads. Amelia turned back around to see her parents standing in front of her. The two rushed to her pulling her into a tight hug. 

"Amelia it's so good to have you back. We have so much to tell you" Her mother squealed. 

"Here Amelia let me take your bags." Her father grabbed her bag and her mother grabbed the other. The car ride was silent. Amelia was awfully tired she rested her head against the window watching the different buildings go by. 

I have no idea why but this chapter took so long to write. I had to redo it a bunch of times cause I didn't like what I was writing. I'm sorry for the chapter being so crappy, I promise the next ones will be a lot better. 

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