Chapter 19

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Amelia's POV

 Fred had finally told me how he felt. It all felt like a dream. I left Hogwarts during Christmas to get over him and I ended up having him as mine. We talked for a good hour, we were going to talk for longer until I could smell the pasta sauce burning. We spent the next 2 hours cleaning the kitchen - ended up ordering pizza, which Fred found very interesting.

"This is one of my favourite tv shows." Since I could remember I had always been obsessed with the show Friends. It was so good, if Fred was spending Christmas break with me he had to watch Friends. 

"What's a TV show?" He had the most adorable confused face. He really knew nothing about the muggle world. 

"A TV show is basically like a movie, but with episodes." They needed someone at Hogwarts to start teaching about the muggle world. 

"Love, what are episodes." I spent the next few minutes explaining everything to him. It was really adorable how he barely understood the muggle world.

"Anyways the shows called Friends. I think you'll like it." Even if he didn't like it we were watching it. We both sat down on my bed, I started my laptop and played the first episode. His hand was wrapped around my waist allowing my body to be pressed up against him. The feeling of warmth and comfort was all around me.

Fred's POV

The show wasn't that bad, something about a lesbian, a runaway bride and a divorced guy. I barely paid any attention to it, my eyes were glued onto Amelia. I watched as she laughed allowing the creases in her cheeks to form. I didn't notice before but there was a mole underneath her right eye, it was barely visible as her bottom eyelashes covered it. 

I brought my fingers to her arm, which were filled with moles. I began to connect them constantly finding them scattered all over her arm. She smiled at my touch allowing goosebumps to appear on her skin but kept her focus on the muggle laptop. She looked perfect. 

Amelia POV 

We were a few episodes in, I could feel his gaze on me. He was playing around with the moles around my arm. His touch was light, but somehow goosebumps still appeared. The sun was beginning to set, golden hour was on its way. My eyes went to Fred, he was focused on my arm. The sunlight danced on his hair, allowing the colour to change from orange to a fiery red. The freckles on his cheeks were more visible, his eyes met mine, the caramel in his eyes became golden. I couldn't help but smile.

Fred's lips crashed against mine, I could feel him smiling as we kissed. "Do you want to go for a walk,"  His breath against mine. I wanted to stay, but I did promise him to show the muggle world. "Yeah let me go put my shoes on." The sun was setting, which meant it would be dark soon. 

I quickly made my way downstairs, Fred was already waiting at the front door. I had my hand around his. We walked around for a bit, making small talk here and there. We ended up finding an abandoned park. I decided to have some fun of my own. I grabbed Fred's hand running towards the swing set. We both sat down, I began to push off. Feeling the wind against my face, as I got higher I was brought back to my memory of uncle Alphard pushing me when I was little. The feeling was freeing.

 Fred's POV

I watched as she got higher and higher, she was smiling like crazy, the wind in her hair. I copied her, pushing myself trying to get as high as she could. I could see the sun setting along the horizon.

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