Chapter 38

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Amelia POV

Fred and I made our way down the stairs entering the party. Music was pumping through the speakers louder than ever and I could feel the different beat running through the floor. For once all of us were sober, I wasn't sure about George though he must have run off with Susan again. Don't know when he was going to ask her out. 

All of the houses were there except for Slytherin house, there were barely any Slytherins. Probably upset about the fact that they lost. Lee was whispering something in Katie's ear making her giggle every now and then. It was kind of getting annoying at this point, Katie kept pressing her back against mine and Lee was practically on top of her. 

"That's not true," Katie spoke giggling making me roll my eyes. Fred must have noticed my annoyed state and asked. "Come love let's get something to drink." even though my glass was full I wanted to get out of that situation as fast as possible.

"How annoying were they?" Fred nudged me in a playful manner. 

"I know they should fuck already." Fred and I both looked surprised at the way I spoke. The firewhisky must be getting to me.

"How about you try this." Fred poured a purple looking drink into my glass. It didn't look too bad and I recognised it as berry ocky rot. Dad used to tell me about how he used to drink it with his roommates at Hogwarts. 

I brought the drink to my mouth, the cool liquid going down my throat instantly refreshing me. "Do you like it," Fred asked gulping his down. I instantly nodded helping myself to more. Fred and I spent the next hour talking to Luna, well at least I thought it was Luna. All I could see was a blur of white hair and assumed it was her. 

"Lovegood you are soo funny," Fred said clutching onto his stomach. I had no idea what was going on but all I knew that Fred and I were laughing so hard. 

"Yea Lovegood you should hang out with us more," I said while grabbing onto Fred's shoulder for support. I felt his muscles tense but thought nothing of it. "Alright, I think it's time I go." Her velvet voice spoke before she turned around skipping away from us.

"I love Luna," I said giggling for some unknown reason. Fred and I barely had berry ocky rot and found ourselves drunk out of our minds. 

"I love her too," Fred said giggling with me, it wasn't even that late must have been twelve but felt like it was around three. "And George, and Lee, and Katie and Me." He said smiling. 

"What about me." At this point, words were just stumbling out of my mouth before I could even comprehend what I was saying.

"Yes, I love you. How could I not." Fred said the last bit under his breath but I barely heard him. The taste of berry ocky, still on my lips I giggled at him. Did he mean in a friend way or something other than that?

"Fred! Fred Hi." I turned around to see who was calling his name. My head spun around so fast maybe too fast because I began to feel dizzy and was losing my balance. Fred's arm had gone around my waist allowing me to find my balance again. "You alright love." He asked looking down at me making me blush. 

"Fred you owe me five dung bombs." My vision was still blurry but I knew exactly who it was. Angelina fucking Johnson. Why am I even mad at her she hasn't done anything to me. Her hand was on his chest and she barely noticed my presence.

"He doesn't owe you anything." I spat back at her. 

"Actually love we had a bet that if she would be able to score more than 30 points she would get five dung bombs and she did." Now I was embarrassed. All I could manage to say was "Oh"

"Well come one pay up Freddie." Okay, what the fuck only I called him that. Who does she think she is. I could feel my blood boiling, Fred's arm tightened around me as he felt my discomfort. 

"Okay but I don't want to leave Amelia." He clearly didn't want to go, take a hint bitch. I really needed to calm down. 

"I'm sure Amelia doesn't mind." Does this girl want me to slap her? "Yea it's no big deal," I spoke so softly and quietly that I barely heard myself. Fred nodded before leaving me alone. I watched as her hand slipped into his. My stomach churned and I balled my fist so tightly out of anger. Just thinking about them together made me want to puke. 

An hour had passed and I had sobered up talking to Hermione. I always ended up with Hermione at some point. The girl had been drinking a little she was all bubbly. "So once Ron came to the library he kept me company, calming me down because I was so tired with everything going on." Hermione was telling me the story of how she and Ron kissed at the library. I was so glad Ron had made his move, I always saw the two staring at each other. "He was all like Mione it's going to be okay. Ron was rubbing my shoulders and then he leaned in and I kissed him." She squealed like a schoolgirl. Hermione's cheeks had gone pink as she thought about her kiss.

As much as I loved hearing about Hermione's kiss I wanted to know why it was taking so long for Fred to come back. Stupid Angelina had taken him away from me. "Oooh, I see him." Hermione waved vigorously at Ron and quickly made her way towards him. Leaving me alone all over again. 

Since I had nothing else to do I took another shot of berry ocky rot licking my lips. I sat there alone on the sofa fiddling with the shot glass, it wasn't long before my eyes grew heavy. My head hit the sofa and soon I was fast asleep.

Also, Angelina Johnson really said I have a spare, once Fred died and married George. WTF was that all about. 

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