Chapter 1

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Amelia held her breath as she eyed the dull brick wall to get to the iconic Platform 9 3/4. While her fellow classmates enjoyed the rush of walking through it, for some reason even after four years, it was always a scary ordeal for her. She squeezed her eyes shut and charged into the wall with her hefty luggage. The whoosh of air that blew past her when she got through the other side tousled her mahogany brown hair. Her once neat ringlets now hung past her shoulders in loose wild curls as she patted her hair down, trying to tame it. The only other person she knew who could pull off the 'bird's nest inspired hair' was young Hermione Granger who was two years below Amelia.

The atmosphere instantly changed around her as if magic itself was buzzing in the air. She heard the noises of the first years yelling goodbye to their parents, third years catching up with their friends about their summer and finally in the distance she spotted the Weasley family. Amelia immediately recognised Mrs Weasley's sharp trill of scolds directed at the twins to stop mucking about. That woman really was going to go insane with the two of them she thought to herself.

She weaved her way out of the crowds, never leaving sight of the bobbling red heads until she reached the group. Her shy nature slowly diminished due to the constant company of Fred and George over the past four years. What could she say? The twin's silly antics had grown on her and she snuck up behind Ginny Weasley.

"Boo!" she squealed in Ginny's ear, making the redhead jump, and causing the two to fall into a fit of laughter.

"Oh Amelia! Finally, you're here, maybe you can control these two." Mrs Weasley said with a kind smile and then shot a stern glare at Fred and George.

"Don't worry Mrs Weasley, you know you can always count on me," Amelia chuckled and winked towards the boy's direction.

Even though Mrs Weasley jokingly made a remark about Amelia being Fred and George's babysitter, it did hold some truth. Adding a third person, that being Amelia, to the twin's duo did somehow lessen the over-adventurous recklessness. Plus, with her there, the twins also fought less amongst themselves as the snarky tiffs turned into harmless banter. She gathered this was also the reason why Mrs Weasley had invited her to The Burrow for the entire summer. That lady was eternally grateful of the distraction Amelia provided as the twins no longer antagonised their mother out of boredom. The three's summer was filled with plenty pastimes to keep them busy, particularly the heated Quidditch matches and envisioning a joke shop that the boys so deeply wanted to open. She found her hosts to be extremely warm and welcoming with Mrs Weasley's constant baking and Mr Weasley's eager curiousness to know more about the Muggle way of life.

Amelia was part muggle, part wizard. Wizard from her Dad's side and muggle from her Mum's. Their family history was complicated to say the least. Her dad came from a traditionalist family of pure bloods so their intolerance to the marriage was no surprise. He was disowned and lost the love of his family but gained the love of his wife. However, only one member of the family supported the relationship, her Uncle Alphard. But even his unforeseen support was short lived as he passed away when Amelia was only five. The manner of which he died was quite ironic. Being a pure blood, he utilised magic to the fullest extent in his day to day routine, never doing things the 'muggle way' because one, magic was more efficient or two he simply didn't understand the muggle way. So, when he was killed in a car crash, it was completely unexpected that such a lowly muggle way, had caused his death. But then again Uncle Alphard was an unpredictable man, his sudden encouragement towards the muggle and pure blood marriage, was proof of that.

With the arrival of the impressive scarlet train, everyone hastily said their goodbyes, eager to begin their new year at Hogwarts but also held a tinge of sadness to leave their families. Pushing through the gaggle of students Amelia, Fred and George bumped into Lee Jordan. Happy to see their friend, they grabbed Lee and made their way into the train and found an empty carriage. Amelia rushed towards the window seat before anyone else could get to it, but it seemed Fred had the same idea. This led to the both of them throwing themselves at the seat, with the aim of trying to take up most of the seat before the other could. Because of Fred's much taller bigger physique and competitive nature he managed to win the seat only a few seconds faster than Amelia. The entire struggle for the prized window seat was such a swift blur that she only realised that Fred was seated when she ended up on his lap instead of the seat because she was too slow.

"Comfortable there?" Fred chuckled with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

Amelia quickly scrambled out of Fred's lap, embarrassed, not only because she lost her favourite seat but also because of the compromising position she was in before.

"You can sit here," Lee said sitting in his window seat, "I don't mind swapping with you."

"No, no, it's fine," Amelia huffed, "I don't want to make a fuss." With that being said she scowled at Fred, "You know how much I like sitting there and I always have the window seat,"

Fred smugly shrugged, "You know if you really wanted the window seat..." he patted his lap, "you could always sit here,"

Amelia dramatically groaned, "Ugh! Please, as if. Don't flatter yourself."

The train takes a plunge, with its gears rocking back and forth, making a whining and groaning noise as it chugged forward. The four could hear the Trolley Witch's confectionary cart pushing along the corridor.

"Alright, first things first. Who's buying us chocolate frogs?" Fred asked, "I don't mind spending my sickles, but I did buy them last time."

"I'll do it," Amelia said and stood up once the old lady had reached their carriage. Politely requesting for the sweets, she purchased 8 chocolate frogs.

She faced the seat opposite her and Fred's where George and Lee were sitting. "Two for George, two for Lee, and four for me," Amelia stated handing out the chocolate frogs, to everyone, but very conveniently forgetting about one of the red head boys. "And non for Fred," she finished with a gleeful smirk.

"Hey! Come on, what did I do?" Fred playfully whined.

Amelia looked at him in a deadpan straight face.

"Alright fine, fine!" he got out of the window seat throwing his hands in the air, making a show of giving up, "You win."

George bellowed into laughter as Amelia gave Fred his fair share of chocolate frogs, "She got you there huh Freddie?"

It was tradition to spend the tedious long journey eating chocolate frogs, playing exploding snap, and discussing their summer for the rest of the ride. The lengthy train hours always sapped Amelia's energy and she found her brown almond eyes becoming heavy.

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