Chapter 61

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The next day was mostly a blur. Amelia spent most of the day in bed still in pain from her afternoon with Fred. She couldn't stop thinking about him, the way he touched her, the way he praised her and the way he was so gentle with her. Amelia smiled to herself as she walked to the library to meet up with Arline.

She tugged on her sweater as the cool wind hit her face before entering the library. It was going to be one of her first Legilimency lessons and boy was she excited. Amelia clutched her books tightly as she spotted Arline sitting at one of the tables. The French girl smiled back and waved to Amelia.

"Amelia are you ready for your first lesson," Arline chirped, a grey silk scarf sat around her neck and her brown hair sat at her shoulders.

Amelia was more than ready, she stayed up most of last night covering the basics of Legilimency and brought some of her own books that her parents had gifted her. The two started off with the basics and soon moved into the different categories of Legilimency. According to Arline people without the gift can also look into the minds of others by using a spell called Legilimens.

"So here are a couple of books for you to go over," Arline handed her different books all based on Legilimency. One of them caught Amelia's eye. The book was a hard cover and completely black, gold letters were inscribed onto it 'Legilimens, different aspects of the mind,' Amelia read. She was about to open the book, but Arline snatched it away.

"Oh, not that book, it's um, how you say, quite a bore," Arline stuttered before putting the book away. As much as Amelia wanted to read the book, she decided it was best if she listened to Arline and focused on the other books.

Their lesson continued with hard work, laughter and a few flirtatious remarks from Arline. It felt good to have another Legilimen who understood what Amelia was going through. Even though her parents and grandparents were giving her advice on her ability, Amelia understood better when Arline was there.

Time went by and before the two knew it their lesson was coming to an end. "Arline hi," Amelia heard behind her. Angelina Johnson was walking towards their table a wide smile plastered on her face. The last time Amelia had seen Angelina was back on the Hogwarts express when she was flirting with Fred. She could feel her blood boiling at the horrid memory and wanted nothing more than to leave.

"Oh, Amelia I didn't know you were going to be here," Angelina smirked as she took a seat next to Arline.

"I am helping Amelia understand her ability," Arline said as she could feel the tension growing in between the two.

The three sat in awkward silence until Amelia spoke up. "Well, I should be going now, thanks again Arline," She quickly grabbed her books and walked out of the library before Arline could say anything back.

Amelia was a step away from the exit when she felt a strong pull on her arm. 'This was happening way to often' she thought to herself. Amelia winced at the pain before locking eyes with Arline. "You didn't let me say goodbye," Arline leaned in and left a soft peck on Amelia's cheek. "I'll see you next Wednesday," And just like that Arline left.

Amelia shook of the fact at what Arline had just done, she told herself that Arline was just more affectionate than others.

During breakfast Katie had informed her that Professor McGonagall would be holding a small meeting with all the Gryffindors in one of the transfiguration classrooms. Before making her way to the meeting Amelia dropped by the common room putting her books away. She opened her door to find her dorm empty Katie must have left without her. She quickly made her way out of the common room and to McGonagall's transfiguration classes.

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