Chapter 46

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"Amelia it's time to wake up." Her dad ran his fingers through her hair gently nudging and pushing Amelia. He kept whispering slowly and softly "Time to wake up." until her eyes fluttered open. Amelia's dad had learned from a young age Amelia did not like to be woken abruptly, or she would be cranky for the rest of the morning. 

"Morning dad." Amelia smiled at her father who was still brushing his fingers through her thick hair. It was quite early in the morning the sun was shining down at the two. "Your mum and I have a day planned for you." Her dad smiled at her placing a small kiss on her forehead before leaving the room. 

As usual Amelia's hair was sprawled across her pillow. Her dark curls bouncing all over the place as she made her way to the bathroom. Amelia tamed her hair, washed her face brushed her teeth and changed into a pair of blue baggy pants pairing it with a black and white singlet. She made her way down the stairs to see her parents sitting at the coffee table, but they weren't alone. She made sure not to be seen, her footsteps were quiet and soft but she couldn't make out who it was she peeked her head just slightly trying to get a glimpse of who it was. 

Sitting across her parents was an old couple. Amelia instantly knew they were her grandparents. The women had almond-shaped eyes which she recognised as her Uncle's. The man had grey curls similar to Amelia's and her father's hair. Amelia had a strange feeling in her stomach not knowing whether she would like to get to know her grandparents. The man looked slightly older in his mid-seventies while the woman looked a bit younger. 

The old couple both very plump were laughing and talking with her parents. Her grandfather had a black cane with a silver tip resting beside him. He was wearing a white button-up with black trousers. If you looked closely at his shoes you would probably be able to see your reflection. He had many rings on his fingers, one of them being his wedding ring. The rest were silver rings with large diamonds all around. His hair was a curly mess much like Amelia's hair. Grey curls were sitting at the top of his head.

The women had rosy cheeks, every time she smiled dimples would show. Amelia must have inherited this from her grandmother. Her grandmother looked quite the opposite of her husband. A small diamond stud was pierced in her nose, along with several piercings along her ears. Just like her husband, the plump lady was wearing her wedding ring along with many others. One was an emerald ring, the tiny green gems sparkling in the sunlight, along with a large ruby sitting on her middle finger. She looked like the kind to take risks and would be more outgoing, while her grandfather looked shy and timid. 

Taking a deep breath in she entered the kitchen. Her parents head snapped back, now everyone was staring at her. "Ah, Amelia. Mum dad this is our daughter Amelia." Her dad spoke trying his best to get rid of the awkward tension which had filled the air. 

Amelia's so-called grandfather stretched out his hand shaking Amelia's hand. "Nice to meet you." He had a warm smile. The smile was contagious allowing Amelia to smile back at him. Her grandmother did the same, shaking Amelia's hand she pulled Amelia closer kissing her cheek saying "We've heard so much about you." It was odd to think her grandparents knew so much about her while Amelia had never met them. 

"Nice to meet you too." Amelia chirped back. The feeling was new to both the old couple and Amelia. Her nerves began to take over making Amelia bounce her leg up and down along with her palms growing sweaty. 

She hadn't felt nervous in a while, she remembered the feeling occurring every time Fred was with her. "Amelia your grandparents are familiar with the process of how to deal with Legilimency." Her father said sipping his tea. 

"Now now Cyrus. We're not only here to help you deal with Legilimency, we're also here to see you." Amelia's grandmother chirped smiling back at Amelia allowing the faded dimples to rise in her chubby cheeks. 

"It's true. We were so happy when Cyrus told us we could finally see you." Her grandfather chimed in winking at her. They spent the rest of the morning catching up with each other. 

It wasn't awkward any more. Amelia laughed with the crazy stories her grandparents told her about their youth. "More tea Kate?" Amelia's mother was about to make another pot of tea. 

"Non for me, Louis she's asking if you want more tea." Her grandmother had to speak a bit louder as her grandfather was losing his hearing. "No! No tea for me." He spoke louder than usual.

Amelia had just heard the story of how the old couple had met. Her grandfather was a typical troublemaker while her grandmother was more of a book worm. "And that's when your grandfather persuaded me into getting a tattoo with him." Amelia laughed trying to picture her grandparents getting tattoos together. 

"I was fine sure it hurt a bit, but your grandfather, on the other hand, was howling like a baby." the two laughed together clutching their stomachs. Amelia officially loved her grandparents sure it had just been a day but the two were great company.

"Can I see the tattoos?" Amelia asked. 

Her grandfather turned his ring finger to the side revealing his wife's name. Amelia found it adorable how close the couple were even during their old age. Her grandmother moved her hair aside exposing her neck to reveal a small poppy tattooed right below her ear. 

"Is there a special meaning for the flower?" In Amelia's dream, she was standing in a field of poppies perhaps there was some sort of special meaning behind them. 

"No, not really." Her grandmother replied. She most have noticed Amelia's confused expression as she asked. "Something wrong deary." It felt as if she was practically reading Amelia's mind. 

"No nothing. Just in my dream, I was standing in a field of poppies." Both her grandparents sucked in a sharp breath. Amelia didn't know if this was a good or bad thing. Everything was confusing at the moment, nothing made sense. 

"Maybe your dream predicted you were to meet us." Amelia's grandfather squeezed her hand reassuring her everything would be fine, but it didn't feel that way. 

The next week was spent learning how to control the Legilimency if it ever were to take over. Throughout the week Amelia would accidentally read her family members' minds. Whenever this would happen she would calm herself down and try her best to clear her mind. 

Amelia's grandmother told her to focus on someone who was close to her heart, this would help her control the Legilimency. At first, she thought of her parents even Uncle Alphard but Amelia soon found out it was Fred. Every time she felt the whisperings grow she would instantly think of Fred. The way he would smirk at her, smile at her, laugh with her Amelia wanted him and no one else. Even though Amelia knew he had moved on he was still her anchor. 

After spending a week with Amelia and her parents, Amelia's grandparents decided to go back home. Unfortunately, they wouldn't be able to see Amelia on her birthday as they had to help the ministry prepare for the Quidditch world cup. Her birthday was only a couple days away which Amelia was very nervous for. The Legilimency was beginning to grow day by day but with the help of her parents and grandparents Amelia was confident she would be able to control it. She had been taught many different techniques to help her keep her mind clear one of them was thinking about Fred. Amelia was scared to see what her birthday would be like though a part of her was excited for the adventure that would come within her strange ability. 

1.6K!! This means so much to me I didn't think I would ever make it this far. 

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