Chapter 47

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The night was alive, light chatter went around the dill lit restaurant. Amelia spent most of her birthdays like this. The small family sat around the circular table talking about Amelia's birthday. It felt perfect. Every now and then the whisperings would grow making her wince at the pain, but she would clear her mind and think of Fred. 

The small restaurant had fairy lights hanging from the ceiling as well as soft jazz music playing in the background. The family was on their third course but Amelia was looking forward to dessert. As usual, her parents had given Amelia money for her birthday. Her grandparents did the same but her grandmother gave Amelia one of her emerald rings. The ring was gorgeous and fit her perfectly. It looked perfect against her olive skin, shining in the sunlight. 

Amelia's muggle grandparents had sent her a muggle radio which Amelia was very excited to use. Since she was little Amelia would always dance around the house music playing from the radio, now she finally had her own. 

"Amelia are you all packed for tomorrow." Her mother asked sipping on her brandy. Amelia started packing later in the day but got distracted when her grandparents sent her, her gifts. Fred was picking her up tomorrow just after lunch. 

"Yes, I have." She lied not wanting her mother to create a scene in the restaurant. Her parents went back into their conversation talking about the ministry's plans for the quidditch world cup. Amelia dug into her pasta the creamy white sauce going all over her lips which she would lick away within seconds. She welcomed the rich sauce filled with all kinds of different spices. The flavours danced on her tongue and were soon washed away once she brought the cold water to her mouth. 

Amelia listened into her parent's conversation zoning in and out of it every now and then. Her eyes moved around the room, from a teenage friend group to the old couple celebrating their fiftieth anniversary. Near the open bar, she heard the bartender curse at his coworkers. One of the friends in the teenage group said something quite controversial and mean but non reacted. Just then a young couple walked in they looked oddly familiar, something about the couple made Amelia's stomach turn. "Melia what would you like for dessert." Her father snapped her out of her thoughts. 

"Oh um. Chocolate mousse please." She smiled back at her parents. Her mouth already watering thinking about the delicious dessert. The waiter smiled taking their menus. "Why do they look like such an odd family." Amelia didn't realise before but she had read the waiters mind, along with the teenage girl's mind and the bartender's. 

He was one to judge, Amelia didn't want to hold her anger back but she had to. She bawled her first pressing her nails into her skin, grinding her teeth trying her best not to scream at the waiter. Then the whisperings began, she heard one but shoved it off. Another came after and another. Amelia began to feel uneasy not knowing how to control herself. Her hands began to shake and her breathing increased. "Amelia." Her mother grabbed Amelia's hand trying not to grab the attention of others. Instead, the whisperings increased. They began to say horrible things about her, mainly about Fred. 

'He'll never love you.'

'He wants someone else'

'You're worthless.'

Amelia's vision turned into a blur. "No please." the girl whimpered tears streaming down her face. "Amelia you can control it." Her father's thick voice said. Her hands still shaking she tried her best to push out the whisperings. 'Think of Fred.' Amelia's subconscious added, and so she did.

From the first time, he met her to the first time he kissed her. The times they would pull pranks on Snape and on each other. She focused on him and him only. How his eyes would sparkle in the sunlight and when he smiled creases would form around them. Amelia could get lost in his caramel eyes forever. Slowly her hands stopped shaking and the deadly whispers lessened. Amelia opened her eyes to see her parents looking back at her smiling. "I told you could do it." Her father winked at her. 

The family decided to leave the restaurant taking the chocolate mousse's to go. Even though that was a scary moment Amelia would forever be traumatised by it. She was proud of herself for controlling the Legilimecy. 'It'll get better.' she kept telling herself. 

Once they reached home, Amelia was exhausted from dinner. She kissed her parent's goodnight before making her way upstairs. Changing into her pink pajamas which were kind of embarrassing she decided to write to Fred. The two had exchanged a few letters today, wishing Amelia happy birthday and talking about their plans for the rest of the summer. She even told Fred about meeting her grandparents which she promised to explain once they met. 

Dearest Fred,

I have much to explain but wanted to let you know that my Legilimency got the best of me once again. It was at dinner and was awful. The whisperings kept growing I honestly felt like I was going mad. 

Hopefully, it gets better from here. Dad said he was proud of me for controlling it that fast. This summer has been pretty boring. Mum and dad won't stop going on and on about how to control the Legilimency, it's all they ever talk about. I can't wait to see you tomorrow, try and pick me up as early as possible. 

Love, Amelia.

She folded the letter before attaching it to Naroh's leg. The small bird seemed a bit annoyed to be flying back and forth this late at night but Amelia promised to give him extra treats.

She sat down on the bed folding a few of her clothes waiting for Fred's response. The show Friends was playing and one of her comfort characters being Chandler Bing always made her laugh. After a few more episodes Fred's letter arrived and Naroh was panting. Amelia gave the bird some of his favourite treats before reading the letter. 

Dearest Amelia,

I really hope the Legilimecy get's better. I'm sure you'll be able to control it. I hate knowing that it's hurting you and I can't do anything about it. I can't wait to see you too. I'll be bringing the Ford Anglia, Dad fixed it so it should be completely fine. 

George won't be able to come because he's going on a date with Susan. I know the idiot finally asked her out, it's getting kind of annoying now that he won't stop talking about her. If I could I'd bring you here now, everyone's driving me crazy you make everything better. 


'I make everything better.' Amelia smiled at his words. The messy handwriting was everything she would ever need to help calm her nerves. Amelia placed the letter into her drawer before pulling a piece of parchment beginning to write back to him. 

Both were writing back to each other until late at night. Amelia would write to him sending the letter with Naroh, then she would watch her T.V show as she waited for the letter to return completely forgetting about packing. At one point Naroh had crashed into the window, the poor bird looked traumatised. 

Fred made her feel calm and protected, even when he was just writing her a letter. The blotches of ink spilled on the parchment, or the smell of the burrow stuck on the yellow piece of paper allowed Amelia to feel happy about herself. 

It wasn't long after Naroh's accident where Amelia and Fred exchanged goodnights. The two fell asleep that night both thinking about each other. Amelia pulled her cover's over her head letting the warm feeling comfort her. 

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