Chapter 35

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"Final Exam's are officially over." Katie laughed while throwing herself on the velvet sofa of the Gryffindor common room. Amelia sat down in the red armchair laughing with her. The last exam they just had was History of Magic. It was around 5 pages long and took 2 hours to complete.

"I know and the history exam wasn't even that bad," Lee said placing Katie's feet on his lap.

"And now we get to play against Slytherin." George took a seat opposite Amelia in the second armchair.

"Oliver's updated the timetable, so were practicing 24/7." Fred completed his sentence sitting himself down on the floor near Amelia's legs. There was no longer the awkward tension between the two anymore. They missed each other terribly but for the sake of their friends, they decided to move on.

Amelia was back to the first stage of secretly crushing on Fred. She would occasionally stare at him, she watched as he would push back his hair that was starting to get a bit too long. The veins in his arms showing and how she wished those arms were wrapped around her.

Amelia was resting her head on her hand, her fingers were playing with her lips as she listened to Lee talk about how excited he was to commentate on the Quidditch match. Fred watched her as she played with her lips. Those soft pink lips that looked far too delicious. Every time he kissed her she tasted of peanut butter and spearmint. How he wished to kiss those lips again.

"Is anyone else hungry or is it just me," George asked rubbing his stomach. Instantly snapping Fred out of his thoughts.

"I am but dinner won't be served till another 2 hours," Katie said looking up at the grandfather clock. During the past month, Amelia had befriended a few house-elves working in the Hogwarts kitchen. She would usually pick up something from the kitchen when she was going to study. "I know a way into the kitchen. I could ask the house-elves to make us something." George's eyes lit up instantly getting up "Lead the way M lady."

The entire group ended up coming wanting to see the Hogwarts kitchen. Amelia led the way towards the Hufflepuff basement which had the Kitchen directly next to it. She stopped in front of a large painting of fruit bowl. Everyone except Amelia looked very confused. "Love where is the kitchen," Fred asked making Amelia's cheeks go warm. Her hand went up towards the painting of the pear and she began to tickle it. Her friends looked at her like she was insane. They were all taken back when the pear began to giggle and it turned into a green door handle, revealing the entrance to the kitchen.

She pushed the door open to see many house-elves working like crazy. The kitchen was enormous, the loud banging of pots and pans, along with the sizzling of different food's being fried. "Miss Whisp how can I help you." a gruff voice spoke, she looked down to see a house-elf, known as Notle. "Hi Notle, I'm sorry to disturb you but is it okay if my friends and I can get some snacks." The small elf looked back up in delight he rushed back into the kitchen, returning within seconds. "Anything for Miss Whisp and her friends." The small elf smiled back up at her placing 5 bags in her hands. "Thank you so much. I look forward to dinner." Amelia said her goodbye to the elf and the entrance to the kitchen turned back into a painting of a fruit bowl.

She handed the bags out to her friends, all of them laughing giddily excited to see what kind of treats were in their bag. "And none for Freddie, because he made me look like I was crazy." Amelia huffed in a playful tone.

"Hey, it's not my fault you are crazy," Fred replied in between laughs. She tried pushing him back which had no effect on him making him laugh louder. The five of them made their way back to the common room. Taking their usual spots Amelia sank into the large armchair, as she nibbled on the treats given.

"This year has gone by real quick hasn't it," Katie said wondering what their sixth year would be like.

"Yea remember in the second year when we threw snowballs at the back of Professor Quirrell's head. He got so mad. Gave us detention for a month." Spoke Fred. The five of them spent the next two hours revisiting old memories. Old and embarrassing ones, along with the funny ones. Amelia was holding her stomach as Lee told the story of how they embarrassed Snape in front of the teachers using one of the twin's products. Fred watched at how contagious her laugh was because he caught himself laughing with her. The warm light coming from the fireplace making her hair look a lighter shade. She flipped her hair exposing her neck. Her olive skin tone had the perfect contrast with the warm light in the room. Fred brought his eyes down to her legs, her skirt was riding up where he could see the exposed skin. She brought a small piece of chocolate to her lips, and Fred started thinking about kissing her all over again.

"The time we stole Percy's head boy badge. Oh, he blamed Ron for taking it." George said laughing even louder. Amelia watched as Fred pushed his hair back, how it flowed perfectly. How she would do anything to run her fingers through his hair once more. The light of the fire made his eyes shine almost twinkling in the light. When he smiled his jawline became more visible and so did the veins in his neck. She pictured herself kissing his neck and sucking near his collarbone as that was one of his sensitive spots. Fred's smile was perfect, the creases forming around his cheeks and his nose was scrunched up in the cutest manner. The top two buttons of his shirt were undone and Amelia could see his bare chest, if she looked closer she would be able to see his toned abs hiding underneath the shirt.

"Where are Ron and his group," Lee asked. It was quite odd without Harry, Ron and Hermione. Usually, at the end of their exams, the three would come to the common room and have long talks much like the one Amelia's group was having at the moment.

"Yea come to think of it they should be here by now," Katie said. Amelia didn't have to think for long when she realised where they were.

"I think I know where they are. They're with Hagrid. Buckbeak is getting executed today." Amelia looked down wondering how Hagrid would be coping with the loss of Buckbeak. "I don't want to go and see," she said. Amelia promised to herself that she would visit Hagrid tomorrow.

"He really loved that bird," Fred spoke, he was talking about Hagrid but he knew Amelia loved Buckbeak as well.

The group made their way to the great hall. More than thousands of candles were floating in the air. Amelia watched as the different year levels took their seats, her eyes searched the room looking for the golden trio but she couldn't find them. Dumbledore stood up in front of the teacher's table. "Silence. It is the last day of your exams and I hope you all have worked hard studying for each of them. A month is left before another school year ends, I have to say I am very proud of you all. One for cooperating with the staff when certain rumours of Sirius Black were roaming the halls of this very school. Two for focusing well on your studies on behalf of the circumstances. We soon have a Quidditch match coming up, good luck to both Slytherin house and Gryffindor house." And just like that, the empty plates were filled with all kinds of food.

They spent the night talking about the upcoming quidditch match. "So what are everyone's summer plans," George asked wiggling his eyebrows. Every summer Amelia would spend at least a week at the burrow. Amelia shared some of her best memories at the burrow. It was a place filled with chaotic energy, along with laughter and all kinds of funny moments.

"Well, I'm going to Australia for the summer." Katie smiled, Amelia knew she had some family back there from her mum's side.

"I'm just gonna be at home." Amelia was looking forward to seeing her parents, but they would be working most of the time. "Same." spoke Lee. Fred and George stayed silent giving each other weird looks as though they were communicating using their twin powers.

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