Chapter 72

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"It couldn't be, it's not possible," Amelia said her heart pounding like crazy.

Though Alphard looked different to what she remembered. He had grown a beard now, wrinkles scattered around his eyes and that warm smile she remembered had vanished. Alphard's eyes were filled with sorrow and regret, his robes were torn and were beginning to wear away.

"Come on Amelia don't be stupid," Alphard spat back, and she could barely recognise his voice.

He began to step closer to her, Amelia still held up her wand to scare to move back. All these years she mourned his death thinking he was gone forever. But somehow he survived, somehow he moved on and left Amelia behind. And now Amelia was desperate for answers.

"So how'd you survive?" She asked as she lowered her wand making Alphard smile.

"Well I had to fake my death. Your parents figured out I was," He paused. "Well there's no beating around the bush, I became a death eater Amelia."

Alphard raised his arm showing the horrific snake and skull imprint on his arm. Instantly she raised her wand again and felt herself panicking. The man she once trusted and loved had turned against what she believed in. 'Do my parents know he's alive?' Amelia asked herself.

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you," He pulled his sleeve down a stern look on his face. "And to answer your question no your parents don't know, so I'd like it if you kept this secret between us."

"Forgot you could read minds," Amelia mumbled.

"Gave you that gift myself," Alphard smiled back at her his teeth yellow and stained. "I'd expect you to have figured that out by now."

Amelia lightly shook her head and made no eye contact, "I didn't know that."

"What do you mean you haven't. How stupid are you!" Alphard's voice began to grow louder making Amelia more scared than ever. He had never yelled at her before.

Amelia began to step away as she looked down at the floor thinking of ways to leave. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I did not mean to yell Amelia." And there it was again the small amount of warmth Amelia could see in his eyes.

"Give me time to explain please." He practically begged her.

"Alright fine, but I need to know everything. Why you left. How I got Legilimecy. Everything," Amelia said holding back her tears.

It was an awkward goodbye as Amelia wondered whether she should hug her uncle who faked his death. Though they planned to meet the next night in the astronomy tower where he promised to tell her everything.

With a small smile Alphard jumped out the window turning into black dust and travelling far from Hogwarts. As soon as he was out of sight Amelia broke down crying on the floor.

Her wand tumbled out of her hand as she screamed into her hand, making sure not to be heard. Her heart ached, and her knees went weak. Amelia's hands were shaking as she screamed harder and louder into her hand. This was the worst kind of pain she had felt as yet.

Fred would be waiting for her wondering where she was and so with the thought of Fred in her mind, Amelia wiped away her tears and made her way back to the dormitories.

Before entering Fred's dorm, she took in multiple deep breaths, trying to push back Alphard from her mind. But how could she. The first time she saw him after multiple years, was in the worst way possible. He had completely changed. It hurt Amelia seeing him turn into someone awful and terrible.

With that in mind Amelia pushed open the door masking her sadness with a smile. Fred was sitting on his bed reading one of Amelia's Legilimecy books as he smiled up at her. She quickly made her way up to him as he wrapped his arms around her.

"You alright Amelia?" Fred asked as he slid under the blanket. She nodded her head silently dreading to meet Alphard again.


Once again night fell, and Amelia had snuck out of her dorm on her way to see Alphard again. The day had gone by terribly fast and by the end of it her friends were growing concerned about Amelia.

The astronomy tower's walls looked so different from the last time she was here. The atmosphere had changed and as Amelia got closer to the end her hand clutched her wand tighter than ever. At the top of the stairs stood her Uncle she once loved and looked up to. His robes flowing back as he looked out the window. "Come quick now I haven't got much time," Alphard said as he took a seat by the window.

"Like I said before I had to fake my death, or your parents would have had me thrown in Azkaban."

Though this time Amelia came prepared with her questions. "What about your last name are we even related?"

Amelia looked down at the map noticing how his name was Black. "I was adopted and found out when I was about fourteen, never got in touch with the Black's," He took a deep breath and sighed.

"Just before I left. I gave you a part of my Legilimecy. When you were just a baby we connected so well. You would laugh and play in my arms. I couldn't leave without giving you something special something you would always remember me by," Alphard said sweetly as he continued. "I'm surprised you didn't figure out I was alive all this time. When your Legilimecy attacks would happen, I was always there watching over."

The more Amelia thought about it the more it made sense. The time when she had that horrid argument with Fred about how he had moved on, she saw Alphard there. The time when she was at the Quidditch world cup she heard Alphard's voice. And once again only a couple day's ago when she was with her parents she heard his voice.

"That was you?" She asked tears streaming down her face.

"I told you I'd always be around." He said coming in for a hug.

"But you're a death eater."

Alphard backed away he took a deep breath once again. "You say that like it's a bad thing. Amelia I want you to join me."


"Well not now you're too young but trust me things are going to get much worse this is the best way to claim your safety."

"To go against my friends and family-"

"Amelia this is what's right," Alphard cut her off and said sternly.

"I would rather die fighting for what's right then become a death eater," She yelled back at him. "How dare you tell me to join you. When you left me!"

"Enough!" Alphard yelled silencing her. "You either join me or you don't. By the final task a war is going to start Amelia and the dark lord will rise much sooner. Sides will be picked. Filthy mudbloods will be killed and the wizarding world will thrive in all it's glory."

Alphard had gotten far to close to Amelia. His hand was gripping her wrist tightly and his eyes filled with rage and complete madness. Amelia knew she had no more sympathy left for him, he had changed in the worst way possible.

Before their argument could take a turn of events Amelia heard Filch's voice coming from the bottom of the stairs. She looked down to see him in his night gown holding his night lamp. "Shit," she muttered under her breath.

"You've got to-" But before she could warn Alphard he was gone. No evidence of him was left behind he was just gone.

Amelia quickly folded the marauders map and shoved it down her breast. She tried thinking of ways to get out of the situation but they were either too risky or too dangerous. Filch had caught her and gave her a two-hour detention after lunch in the trophy room.


Day's went by and Amelia went by the astronomy tower wondering if he would come back. As much as she hated how much he'd changed she still missed him. Every night that went by with Alphard not showing up she would lose hope for him.

'By the final task a war is going to start,' his words echoed in her head as she wondered what he meant. She wondered whether to tell Dumbledore. She wondered whether to warn Harry or any of the champions.

With the final task only a couple day's away Amelia held her breath. She decided it would be best if she stayed silent. 

A/N: I know this chapter was somewhat short. But how long do you guys prefer your chapters?

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