Chapter 71

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The past two days waiting for Fred's surprise was making Amelia anxious then ever. She sat in the common room waiting for the grand father clock to strike twelve, her leg bounced up and down getting excited and nervous for her lover. Amelia had no idea what he had planned for her, she was just happy they could have some alone time together.

Amelia couldn't help but smile as she saw Fred walk down the stairs into the common room with his wand in one hand and the marauder's map in the other. Amelia quickly got up from her seat rushing over to Fred smacking her lips onto his. "So what do you have planned for me?" Amelia asked grinning up at Fred.

He smacked his lips before saying, "It's a surprise Whisp." Fred grabbed her hand and led Amelia out of the common room.

Amelia hadn't felt so happy and excited in a while, even the fat lady was happy to see the couple back on their feet. Fred used the map to make sure no one was around to catch the teenage couple sneaking around the castle. Amelia still had no clue where he was taking her but knowing Fred he always had something fun up his sleeve. With every corridor they went by Amelia found herself getting more excited.

As they snuck around the castle Amelia could feel the lust burning within her. Out of complete excitement she grabbed Fred by the collar and pushed him against the wall. With the moonlight shining against the two Amelia kissed him with intense passion. Their lips moulded together as she ran his hands through his hair. A moan escaped from Fred's lips and Amelia could feel herself getting wet.

"Wait, wait." Fred spoke as he gently pushed Amelia off. "As much as I want to continue this, and trust me I do. I've got bigger plans for the two of us," Fred said out of breath.

Their journey continued before Fred stood in front of the prefect's bathroom. Amelia looked at him weirdly wondering how they would break in without the password. "Got the password from Diggory," Fred said practically reading Amelia's mind.

"Pine Fresh," said Fred smirking at Amelia.

The large doors twisted and turned before revealing the gorgeous looking prefect's bathroom. Glass windows with different paintings on it reflected the moonlight. The tiles were squeaky clean, and Amelia could see her reflection in it. Bottles and bottles of different soaps and shampoos were sitting in large golden cupboards. But the best part was the large bathtub in the middle of the bathroom which was practically the size of a swimming pool. Large taps in all different sizes came from above spewing out different colours of bubble bath.

Fred instantly tore off his shirt and jumped into the bathtub which was filled with different bubbles. Amelia quickly slipped out of her skirt and tore off her blouse, the sweetest aroma filled the room and bubbles went all over the place. The water was warm, and Fred embraced Amelia into his arms. Her legs wrapped around his torso she could feel his hard on.

Soft and gentle kisses were placed all around each other. Amelia rocked her hips back and forth the thin layer of fabric from her underwear was barely keeping together. Fred unhooked Amelia's bra throwing it in the water as he sat himself on one of the steps. Amelia thew her head back as Fred left love bites all over her breasts, the feeling was indescribable as Amelia called out Fred's name.

"I thought you could use a night just relaxing," Fred said breathless. Amelia quickly removed her underwear as Fred dipped his fingers into her.

The feeling always took her by surprise as Fred added another finger. "Can you handle it?" Fred whispered into her ear as goosebumps covered her skin.

"Yess faster," Amelia moaned her voice echoing across the room. She could feel the cold metal from Fred's ring burning against her skin.

"Why don't you beg for me," Fred replied as he slowed down. Amelia was used to his cocky attitude when he had her wrapped around his finger.

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