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5 years later, 2001.

Sitting by the window sill and enjoying the view of the sunrise, Amelia wrote her next report as she waited for her lover to arrive. She was bathing in the golden sunlight wearing her comfortable pyjamas. Her window had the perfect view where she could see all of York in its morning glory. It had been a good year compared to the rest she had.

During the war Amelia was a spy for the order, she regretted becoming one, the only reason she agreed to become a spy was, because Dumbledore promised to protect her family. But turns out he couldn't keep his promise, as there were multiple times death eaters raided her parents' home, though her parents luckily escaped each time.

Alphard had escaped from Azkaban as well and Amelia made it her mission to use him to get inside information on the death eaters. She got the information needed to bring Voldemort down, but it wasn't easy nor worth it. Amelia had to cut contact with all her loved ones to make sure they were safe. Which meant she had no one to help her go through the most traumatic experience of her life.

It was two of the worst things she had ever seen during the war. Amelia remembered it as clear as day, though she wished she didn't. There her father was fighting off Alphard and Amelia was by Alphard's side, still pretending to be on his side. She watched as her father was fighting for his life as Alphard screamed in joy. But Amelia stepped in just in time she fought Alphard thinking she would be able to hold him down while they escaped. But she knew what she had to do, she spoke the words of the killing curse and saw Alphard's lifeless body on the ground as she used the curse on him. Amelia told herself she did the right thing saving millions of lives along with her fathers, but the memory of his soulless eyes staring back at her haunts her to this day.

But things went downhill for Amelia, during the war. She cried in her father's arms as he hid her from death eaters and brought her to the main hall which was falling apart. With tears pooling in her eyes she could barely see, but instantly spotted Fred lying on the floor with a terrible gash in his head. Amelia's entire body fell apart and her screams turned louder and louder. 'Why isn't he getting up,' she kept asking the people around her. Amelia wanted to run to him, to shake him awake, but she could not move. All she could do was watch. Watch in pain. Watch in fury as she wished she was with him during his last moments.

Then she heard the words of a miracle. "Amelia he's alright, he's alright," George lifted her up as he cried with her. "He's just a terrible fighter."

And it was true he was a terrible fighter, but he was alright and so was she.

Amelia heard the lock click and the hinges squeaking as the door opened. The loud thudding of Fred's boots echoing across the floor as he walked up to Amelia smiling to her. The two began dating once again a while after the war, both needed to take time to take care of themselves before taking care of each other. And now they had been dating for two years.

"Well how did the meeting go," Amelia asked as he pulled her into a warm kiss.

Within the past two years Weasley's Wizard Wheezes had gotten crazy popular. Starting off by having multiple articles in the Daily Prophet, two of which Amelia wrote when she used to work there. They expanded their prank shop and invested in international products. And soon were starting to make headlines nationally. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was beginning to build multiple franchises over England, and their first franchise was going to be in York.

"It went great, and they took the offer without any hesitation," Fred smirked as he pushed his hair back revealing the small scar on his head, which he got during the war.

Amelia pulled him in by his collar and kissed him hard. "Congratulations," she squealed.

"I thought we could go out and celebrate tonight. Me with Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and you with your fantastic writing." Fred said as he squeezed her waist, letting Amelia smell his strong scent.

Amelia smiled at Fred as she was now working with a very new and popular newspaper company. Amelia enjoyed working there as she got to write about what she enjoyed. The newspaper company's main competition was the Daily Prophet, but people seemed to enjoy Amelia's articles more than Rita Skeeter.

It was going to be their last night in York, the couple were only here for a couple days. Fred had convinced Amelia to come with her on this business trip so the two could be alone for once.

"Well before we go to dinner you must write to George about the meeting," Amelia said as she walked to the kitchen island and pouring herself a glass of water.

George was back at home taking care of the shop, business had been booming lately and the twins decided it was best if someone stayed behind to look after it. George had currently run into Angelina Johnson which was slightly awkward for Amelia as the two girls used to hook up after the war. But now the two were good friends and enjoyed each other's company.

Amelia had stayed in touch with most of her friends after the war. Lee was at his last year studying muggle technology at one of the best wizarding universities, during the war he hosted a radio show called Potterwatch. Katie on the other hand was travelling at the moment, she went to new places almost every year and had a wonderful job. Her and Lee had broken up, but it wasn't necessarily a bad break up the two just realised they weren't good for each other.

As for Amelia she had come far since where she was only five years ago. Her life had changed drastically, terrible and good things had occurred, but she liked to focus more on the good then the bad. Her friends and family were supportive when she came out as Bi. Amelia once again was back in Fred Weasley's life and happier than ever.

"Now we've got the whole day to ourselves," Fred spoke as he came out of the room removing his tie. "What should we do today?"

Amelia sat on the counter as Fred parted between her legs, she wrapped her arms around his neck, "Anything is fine as long as I'm with you."

Fred leaned in smiling at her, as his lips brushed against hers. If one thing Amelia loved about her relationship with Fred was there was still the fiery passion between those two over the years. Amelia parted her lips as Fred met her tongue the two soon turning their gentle kiss into a fiery make out.

Amelia pulled away slightly off guard with the kiss turning into a make out.

"I love you," Fred spoke.

"I love you."

Her hands rested on his jaw as she looked into his eyes, they were different compared to the ones fives years ago. But so were hers.

There was pain, sorrow and tragedy as well as love mischief and laughter. But that's what a tragic story does to a person. It takes them through the pain and suffering but in the end it is always worth it. In the end she would do it all over again if that meant she could look into his eyes and see that he loved her just like she loved him.


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