Chapter 40

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Amelia woke early on Monday. There was only a week of school before the summer holidays. Her eyes fluttered open to the sound of birds chirping. She spent most of Sunday in her room her head buried in the different romance novels her mother had sent her.

Amelia tore off her blankets making her way to the bathroom. By the looks of it, the time was around six all her roommates were sound asleep. Amelia took her time getting ready for school. It had been a crazy school year. Soon the week would end and she would be back to roaming the hallways of Hogwarts in her sixth year. 

Amelia splashed the cold water against her face the tip of her nose turning red as the blood rushed. Her hands found Katie's makeup bag where she applied a light coat of concealer under her eyes. Along with a thin layer of mascara. Amelia thought back to yesterday, memories of Angelina Johnson giggling about how she slept with Fred. Her heart ached as she reminded herself about the horrid memory. 'Forget about him, he's not worth it.' Amelia's subconscious added. She placed a small bandaid on her cheek pressing it down on her cut which was beginning to heal.

Amelia was motivated not to let anybody ruin her mood. She was excited about her upcoming birthday which would occur in the second week of the holidays. Amelia grabbed her romance novel along with her bag before making her way down to the common room. 

She flipped through the pages of the book. Gasping every time the main character did something selfish or out of the blue, she laughed when the main character created an awkward situation. Amelia was snapped out of the different reality when she felt another presence sit beside her. "How long have you been here for?" The deep voice asked and she instantly knew it was Fred. Amelia looked up at him to see him smiling at her. She was reminded of Angelina and Fred together. Her eyes dropped and the smile from her lips fell.

"Not long I've been waiting for you." Fred noticed the pain in her eyes, and how her smile had vanished. 

"You okay, love," Fred asked not understanding why she was so upset.

"Yea I'm fine." Amelia looked away from him. Every molecule in her body fought for her to not cry. The lump in her throat grew but Amelia controlled herself. 'We will cry in the shower later' she reminded herself. Fred knew she wasn't okay but decided not to push her.

The two sat in silence as they waited for the rest of their group to arrive. Amelia's head was buried in her book. Her eyes went over the same sentence trying to focus on the book but her mind went to the boy sitting in front of her. Once the group arrived they made their way to the great hall for breakfast.

Amelia filled her plate with scrambled eggs, pouring orange juice in her cup. "Looks like Slytherin is upset about their defeat in Qudditich on Saturday," Amelia said looking at the angry Slytherins. 

"You can practically see the steam coming out of Malfoy's ears," Lee spoke looking at Draco whose hand was wrapped very tightly around his chalice. The group burst out into giggles, which grew into laughter as they looked at the rest of the Slytherins. Some looked like they were about to cry while others seemed like they were ready to kill. 

Amelia's first two classes went by quick. Professor Lupin was leaving by the end of this week. Which was bound to happen as there was a rumour that no defence against the dark arts teacher would ever last. Everybody was sad about it including the Slytherin. During Herbology Professor Sprout asked Katie and Amelia to check the plants had enough water. The girls took their time as they weren't keen to go back into the classroom. Lunch rolled around and Amelia was starving. She placed a large amount of pasta into her bowl scarfing it down, before going for seconds.

"Alright, guys I'm going to leave early. It's my last class with Hagrid." Amelia finished the last amount of pumpkin juice left and made her way towards Hagrid's hut. Amelia made her way down the stairs and watched as the different birds flew across the clear sky. The sun was shining and she felt the warmth of the sun on her face. "Amelia you're a bit early," Hagrid spoke startling the girl. 

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