Chapter 22

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A/N: Smut warning

Amelia POV

Leaving the dark hallway, I led Fred towards the dormitory, hoping no one was there. My hand went around the wooden doorknob, turning it, I found the room empty thankfully. Fred made his way to the bed, while I locked the door and muttered a spell under my breath so any noise wouldn't leave the room. Fred was looking rather awkward sitting on the bed, but I didn't really know what to do next either. I slowly made my way up to him and a cheeky smile formed on him.

I stood in front of him, the moonlight shining over him. I began to kiss him, the kiss just as passionate as before. There was the faint taste of firewhisky, but I didn't mind it. My right hand was pressed against his chest, pushing him down on the bed. I was now on his lap straddling him. My hips grinding against his, going back and forth. I could feel Fred's cock against my leg. "Fuck Amelia if you keep doing that I'm going to cum now," he stated referring to the bulge in his pants.

My hands were trembling as I began to unbutton his shirt.

"Let me love," offered Fred, the nickname rolling off his tongue as he quickly unbuttoned his shirt, throwing it across the room.

I brought my lips down to his neck, greedily kissing and sucking until his moans got louder and louder. His hands were now on my back unzipping my dress leaving me only in my black underwear and bra.

"Oh, Merlin. Amelia you look..." he said with a soft voice and wide eyes.

Taking in the view of his perfect body my lips trailed down to his chest placing delicate kisses until I reached his waist. Bringing my hands near his jeans button I looked up for permission and he responded with a quick nod sitting up straight.  My hands trembled pulling his pants down along with his underwear.

It was huge I wondered how I would fit it into my mouth. Fred must have noticed my confused expression. "Love take your time." he gave me a small smile. Gently grabbing him and bringing my mouth towards him. I placed small kisses on his rim, once I was comfortable enough I began to take him in.

The feeling was odd, but I quickly got used to it. I ran my tongue up and down his cock making his breaths short and fast. One of my hands was rubbing against his balls and the other was sliding around his dick in the same way my tongue had done before. Placing my lips on his tip and lightly sucking it, I looked up at him making eye contact.

"Fuck, Love don't look at me like that," Fred murmured.

I still didn't break eye contact and continued sucking on just his tip. I then swirled by tongue around it earning a whimper from him.

"You're just teasing," he begged wanting me to go further down, "Please Amelia."

Happy with his little plea I finally wrapped my lips around his complete girth and began sucking. Immediately he let out a loud moan and brought his hands to my hair clenching it in ecstasy. I now had both hands rubbing his cock and at the same rhythm I bobbed my head up and down taking him in as deep as I could. His grip on my hair had gotten tighter and his moans were louder. My mouth left his now completely hard cock, but my hands remained stroking it. I bent my head lower towards his balls and took them in, sucking one by one. Another beast like moan escaped Fred and I decided to go back to his cock, knowing that he wasn't going to last very long. Pushing down on him even more I could feel how big he was when his dick was at the back of my throat. His breathing had become a lot faster but so had mine. I felt myself going in deeper, loving the taste of him.

"Fuck," he let out a deep moan, "I'm going to cum."

Waiting for the liquid to shoot down my throat he grips my hair into his fist, and I felt him shake. It shot straight into my mouth, hot and salty.

His eyes were sewn shut, while he tried not to stutter, "Love, that was amazing. Are you sure you haven't done this before?" he said teasingly.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I responded cheekily, bringing myself up, facing him.

A smirk had grown on his face as he wiped away the excess cum on my lip with his thumb, "Now it's your turn."

His eyes were filled with hunger as he pushed me, my back on the bed. Towering over me, his ginger locks fell to the side of his face. Passionate kisses were placed all along my neck and if he wasn't careful, I would end up with hickies tomorrow morning. I arched my back at the contact of his lips giving him space to unhook my bra. He caressed my breast in his large hand while sucking on the other. The throbbing down there had started and I could feel myself pooling in my panties. I didn't even realise I was whimpering until Fred stopped and looked up smirking.

His fingers hooked around my lace underwear and pulled them down in one swift motion. Two of his fingers ran up and down, "Fuck, love you're so wet."

His dirty words had only left me wanting more and Fred happily obliged. He lowered his head to my entrance, his tongue meeting my clit. He slowly licked and then escalated to swift up and down rubs with his mouth. The pleasure was building up and it finally reached its peak when I let out a moan as his tongue started swirling around my most sensitive area. I tried so hard to not be loud and have some composure, but all my efforts had vanished when his two fingers plunged inside of me. I felt a sensation I had never felt before; tense but relaxed at the same time. I fisted the bed sheets in absolute delight gripping harder each time his fingers gained momentum.

"Please, don't stop," I moaned. And he didn't.

His fingers had quickened their pace making me practically scream his name. And when I thought the paradise that I was in couldn't get any better he slipped a third finger in.

"I know my girl can take it," he said in a raspy voice.

Moans were now escaping my mouth faster and louder than before. My spread legs that he had propped up were no longer steady and I was soon trembling. Another wave of euphoria hit me as his other hand began rubbing on my already sensitive clit.

"Fred, Oh Merlin," I moaned as I could feel myself getting closer and closer to coming undone.

My legs were now shaking, because of all the pleasure that was caused only by his fingers. I found that my grip had left the bedsheets and that my fingers had moved to clutch onto a handful of his hair. He continued to pump deeper, harder, and faster. My breathing had hitched as I let out the orgasm that was building. But he didn't stop there as his fingers were replaced by his tongue licking my swollen clit.

"Oh god! Fred please!" I yelled as I came completely undone.

He finished by placing kisses around my inner thighs and moved upwards to me leaving a trail of soft kisses along my stomach. I was still lying on the bed utterly spent trying to regain my heavy breathing so my heart would go back to its steady pace. He kissed all along my collarbones and neck, ending with sealing a long kiss on my lips. The state that my body was after orgasming left me tingly and anywhere Fred would touch sent up sparks of electricity. His eyes had softened, and I could no longer see the hunger in his eyes, only tenderness and adoration now. He pulled the bed covers over both our naked bodies and held me so that my back was against his chest. I curled up into a ball and being big spoon he wrapped his arm around cuddling me. He leant in again placing gentle kisses along my nape and whispered sweet nothings into my ear as I fell asleep in pure bliss.

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to all ya filthy animals out there ;) 'Hope you enjoyed'

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