Chapter 82

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Laughing, Fred stammered back, watching as the filthy words left her lips. He smiled knowing today was going to be a good day for both of them.

Feeling a bit cocky with himself, Fred asked "Are you sure about that Miss Whisp."

With no hesitation in her voice, Amelia replied with, "Oh, absolutely."

As soon as she finished her sentence, Fred could have sworn he saw her eyes sparkle with mischief. With the flick of his wand Fred instantly packed up the picnic they had set up, he grabbed Amelia's hand and began to walk quite fast towards the castle.

Amelia could feel the butterflies fluttering in her stomach with excitement, she giggled to herself knowing she was going to get exactly what she wanted. It was around mid-day so her friends would still be in class and Katie wouldn't be able to disturb them.

"Caput Draconis," Amelia said as she began to catch her breath, she looked up at Fred shooting him a quick wink.

Even though the gesture was small, Fred couldn't seem to control his blush which was stained on his cheeks. After all this time Amelia still had a large impact on Fred, even the little things she did made him smile.

Amelia turned around facing Fred as his lips crashed against hers. She couldn't seem to get enough of him. Both were smiling into the kiss as Amelia walked backwards on the stairs, trying to get to her dorm as fast as possible.

As her legs carried her through the stairs of the common room, Amelia's lips moved with Fred, the heat between their bodies building.

Amelia soon felt her back slam against the wooden door, she winced slightly at her wrist but ignored the pain. Fred placed his hand, next to Amelia's head and against the door his breath heavy as his eyes looked Amelia up and down.

He looked directly at her, his mouth hanging slightly open. Fred picked a strand of hair that was resting on Amelia's face as he said, "What am I going to do with you Whisp."

Fred tilted Amelia's head towards him, his ring pressing into her jaw as she replied, "Whatever you want."

Lust and passion covered Fred's face as he pulled on her bottom lip harshly, making the blood rush to it. He yanked the door open, dropping the picnic blanket on the floor, hearing the clatter of the pan falling to the floor. As the door was pushed opened so quickly, Amelia stumbled back slightly, her reflexes not kicking in fast enough. Though Fred caught her fast enough, both his hands squeezing her shoulders.

He kicked off his shoes, still looking down at Amelia, never breaking eye contact. Amelia was starting to feel slightly nervous, no matter how many times the couple had been intimate she was still nervous to see what Fred had planned for her.

The back of her thighs hit the bed frame, her knees shaking as Fred smirked to himself. "A bit nervous are we Whisp?" the way he said her last name, made her stomach twist.

"Don't worry I'll go easy on ya," Fred spoke as he pushed Amelia back, letting her back fall against the bed.

In one swift motion, Amelia watched as Fred removed his shirt throwing it on the floor. The sun bouncing against his toned abs as Amelia rested her eyes on them. He got closer to the bed his knee parting Amelia's legs as she gasped from the sudden movement.

As much as Fred liked to make Amelia nervous on certain occasions, he still made sure she was comfortable with him no matter what.

Fred leaned forward watching Amelia's every movement. He propped his knee in between her legs, one of his hands holding him up so there was space between the two bodies. Amelia leaned in for a kiss her hand against his chest, making Fred groan at her soft touch. The kiss started off soft both moving their lips gently before building it up. Fred slipped in his tongue rolling it gently.

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