Chapter 57

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A/N: Smut Warning

The morning light was beginning to creep in and Amelia was sitting on the velvet arm chair finishing up on her Transfiguration homework. She could already feel the stress of school starting to pile up when it had only been two weeks since Hogwarts had begun. The common room was dead silent, not a soul lingered, and Amelia felt herself gaining her focus on her homework.

"McGonagall's going to kill you if you don't finish her homework," Amelia was startled by the hoarse voice of Fred.

A cheeky grin on his face as he took a seat on the couch. Amelia knew he had just woken up his hair was sticking up and he was wearing only his Gryffindor sleeping shorts. Once again Amelia took a good look at his hard abbs watching every breath in and out.

"I know that, why do you think I got up so early," Amelia said before going back to scribbling on the different spells needed to turn an object into an animal.

Fred noticed how her demeanour had changed since the holidays. She was constantly snapping at people and spent most of her time in the library. And with all her work she somehow found time to help Harry out with the tournament. The stress was definitely getting to her and Fred hated seeing her like this.

"Now that we're together I was thinking about taking you on a real date," Amelia's head snapped up and she felt herself become excited. "Just be ready by 10 tomorrow night, leave the rest to me." He said as he winked at her.

Fred leaned in and gave her a small peck. With the excitement building up in her, Amelia accidentally dropped her parchment as she kissed him back. The two quickly broke apart as they heard footsteps coming, from the girl's dormitories.

"Go quick," Amelia said as she began to picked up her parchment.

Fred was about to leave when he turned back around and sprinted towards Amelia, "Not without a kiss." Fred planted a soft kiss on her lips making Amelia blush and giggle at his affection.


Amelia found the day passing by, with every class and every hour that went by her nerves grew as she thought about her date with Fred. She had been giddy and peppy all day, her mind was flooded with what he would have planned for her. She was so lost in thought that she did not realise that George was talking to her.

"Amelia can you please tell Ron to go away," George snapped Amelia out of her thoughts.

It had gotten quite annoying seeing Ron everywhere she went, but Amelia didn't blame him. He obviously missed Harry and Harry felt the same way as well, but their pride was in the way. Ron looked over at Amelia his eyes droopy and his hair a mess.

"Ron why don't you talk to Harry," George simply rolled his eyes knowing the two were going to have the same conversation all over again. "He misses you just as much." Amelia tried explaining.

Ron spat back with the same points he had been using for the past week. Lee tried backing up Amelia, but he simply wouldn't budge. Everyone hated seeing Ron and Harry fight and this was one of their worst ones yet. Once dinner was over Amelia and Katie made their way to the common room followed by the twins and lee. As soon as she took a seat Amelia buried her head in one of the charms books, she was trying to find an easy spell for Harry to use during his tasks. She scribbled some spells to learn on parchment. Amelia was barely paying any attention to her surroundings as she looked up to see the common room was empty. The grand father clock read it was around 12 in the morning. She was about to leave when she noticed a small figure sleeping soundly on the arm chair across the common room. His body was curled up and he let out soft snores his ginger hair covered most of his face and so she could barely see who it was. 'Fred' she thought to herself as she got closer, 'Ron.' Amelia didn't want to wake him he looked so peaceful, but she didn't want him to get in trouble by one of the prefects.

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